Status: read my other story: The Mind Killer

Love's a Villain

When Jealousy Sets In


"So you would never pair up with Emily?" I asked.
"Not even if me and Emily were the last two people on Earth." Erik answered. "Wait. Were you actually worried that I might choose Emily over you?" A smile played on his face. He looked amused.
I smacked his arm. "No, never!" I lied.
He leaned forward, and for a second, I thought he might kiss me.
"Cameron, listen to me. I would never choose another girl over you." He backed up. "I mean, in a school project."
And just for a second, I felt something. Jealousy? No, not anymore. Mad? Well... Maybe. Sad? Most definitly.
"Don't call me that." I said.


I don't want to be just friends. I want you in my life. I really want to kiss you. God, you dont know how much I wanna kiss you. I practiced saying that in my head. I really wanted to say that I wanted to be her boyfriend, but she doesn't like me like that. Or does she. She did look a little upset after I told her that i would never choose another girl over her in a school project.
And she looked jealous of Emily. Like I would ever choose Emily over her.
"Cameron, I-"
"Maybe I should go." she interuppted.
"Why? Where would you go?"
"Why? Because I want to. Where? I would go talk to one of my other friends, like Courtney or Holly. They're just as nice as you."
"Aww, you think I'm nice."
"Fine. I'm leaving."
She stomped out of my dorm, not turning back.
Now what was I supposed to do?


I hate Erik. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.
I decided to go talk to my other friends earlier, and vent. I felt a lot better afterwords, but after thinking for myself, I decided that maybe it's myself I hate, and I'm trying to force myself to believe something that's not true.
♠ ♠ ♠
wow. is it just me, or does Erik sound a little girly or gay? please tell me if i should change that.

p.s. Cameron will be revealing what she really feels, next chapter.