Status: read my other story: The Mind Killer

Love's a Villain

Not So Romeo


"Class!" The literature teacher yelled. Her face was already turning red.
All boys and girls were in one class today, so the two literature teachers (one for the boys school and one for the girls school) were standing by each other to explain the Romeo and Juliet project.
"Alright! Settle down!" The boy's literature teacher enunciated every syllable so he could get his point across.
"Do you think he'll pass out from yelling?" Erik leaned toward me and whispered in my ear.
I laughed quietly.
The girl's literature teacher took her whistle (which nobody could ever figure out why she had it) and blew it. Probably as hard as she could. After the piercing sound disappeared, we could hear her wheezing. The teacher was old. Probably around 60 to 70 or so.
"Alright," the girl's teacher began, "All of you boys and girls will pair up. Boy and girl, no boy and boy or girl and girl. No exceptions, no excuses. Each group will get one scene. Groups may practice whenever they want, and please TRY to keep curfew, just don't stay up until midnight just to talk to random guys or girls in whichever dorm or garden you are in. Please keep your scene school appropriate. You will each be graded on performance, costume, and expressions, which means smile when applicable, etcetera.
"You are dismissed. Scenes will be announced tomorrow!" The bell rang almost one second after she finished.
"So, want to be my partner, Erik?" A voice came from behind me.


Someone asked me to be their partner. But the only person I could imagine as my partner was Cam.
I looked behind Cameron and saw her. Emily. Yeah, she was pretty, but if I ever dated her, would she go out and run with me on the weekends? Probably not. I could just see it now.
["Hey Em, wanna go run?" "No, I'm busy painting my nails/straightening/curling my hair. And I don't wanna get all sweaty and gross."]
But Cam would almost give up anything to go run or play basketball with me.
Emily looked like she would beg for me to be her partner. But I wanted to be with Cameron. I already promised.
"Hey Erik, wanna be my partner?" Cameron asked, looking at Emily. Emily didn't notice.
"Sure." I answered.
"Ha! Sorry Cameron, but you heard him. He chose me. You might wanna go get one of the better guys before they run out." she smirked at Cam.
"Actually, take your own advice Emily. I was talking to Cam." Cameron turned and smirked back at Emily.
Emily rolled her eyes and walked away toward my friend Wayne, one of the kinda popular, kinda geeky kids. And I think I just saw Wayne shake his head no at Emily.
I mentally said good job for Wayne, then turned to Cam and said, "So Cameron, would you like to play a little one on one in basketball?"
I prepared for her to say yes, when she said,"Don't call me that."
She hooked her arm with mine, and started walking to the basketball court. I guess I'll take that as a yes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh, I love this story. Now if only I had a friend like Erik if I was Cam. So, what scene will they get? you guess!