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You're Such a Gorgeous Nightmare

If I let it go, would the scars continue to show?

Prison. I never want to go back. But it was a learning experience. We all make mistakes, right? There are always consequences to our actions. Well, I didn't kill that kid Michael. Sure, I was there, I saw it. But I didn't do ANYTHING! It was really fucked up because I'm the only one that got arrested.

At first, I felt like a ghost. I missed my band. Craig's band. That feeling passed. They talked shit. They betrayed me. They lied. They weren't worth it after all.

In the end of all of it, I'm thankful. Those two and a half years saved my life. I got off drugs. I started a new band. I wrote songs almost every day.

So now, I'm a changed man. I don't know where to begin, other than music. I figure I should go back and apologize to my old friends. Yeah, they were the ones who talked shit. But I was the one who let them down in the first place. So I should be the bigger person and stop the hate; besides, hate takes up too much energy.


I fished my phone out of my pocket and attempted calling Max. He didn't answer.

Then Bryan. Much to my surprise, he answered.

"Hello?" his familiar voice was comforting, I hadn't heard it for almost three years.

"Hi Bryan. This is Ronnie. Uhh... Ronnie Radke," I said awkwardly.

"Whoaaaa. What's up?" he didn't seem too mad, but I could never be sure.

"Not much, actually. I was wondering if you had some time to talk."

"Yeah. Do you want to meet me somewhere?" he offered.

"I really don't like being in public that much, I mean, I just got out of jail and everything... I guess Starbucks is alright, as long as I don't draw too much attention-"

"Quit freaking out," he cut me off. "Just come to my house."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. I have something to say too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Let It Go

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