Status: Working on

Surrender to Your Darkest Dream

Chapter 2

Madi and I were on are way back to the room, when she asked.

“Did you see something?”

“No, I didn’t see anything. I was too busy falling on my ass.”

“Do you think it your dream man?” Madi giggled.

“Very funny, there’s no way.” I said starting to think about it. There is no possible way. Is there?

“Hello, Emily” Madi said shaking me.


“You zoned out”

“Sorry. I was just thinking”

“Thinking about?”

“The possibility of him being real.”

“Honey, I know you wish it but it’s just a story. Nothing more.”

I nodded leaving her to go to my room. I was foolish for thinking he may be real. There was no possible way. I had to let my fantasy go. Let go of this ridiculous dream.

I changed into my long red nightgown and layed down hoping to fall asleep. Hoping sleeping would make me forget it all. My eyes no matter how hard I close them weren’t becoming heavy. I just couldn't fall asleep, I keep thinking about what girl saw in the rafters. It had to be someone but who? It couldn’t be stagehand, no one but the ballerinas were suppose to be there.

I closed my eyes and let out deep breath sucking in new fresh air. A thud echo through the halls and into my room. I got out of bed and walked into the hallway. It was to dark to see but I knew my eyes would adjust soon. No one seemed to be up but heavy foot steps keep coming. They were getting louder. I couldn’t help but go toward the steps.

“Ugh” escape my lips when I hit something big and muscular. My gaze focused on the only thing I could see in this darkness. A white half-face mask shinning in the moonlight that came from the circular window.

“Phantom” I whispered. Everything in my body was tingling. I was freaking out, but still excited. He was real. My dreams was beyond real.

His hand reach out and grabbed me around my waist pulling me only inches away from him. My body felt like it was on fire. My senses were hightened. Jolts were shooting through my body like a shock by a bolt of lighting.

“Forget what you have seen” he said with tone full of anger yet his voice was smooth and strong. It was almost like he sang the word rather than spoke it. I knew I should be scared but I wasn’t.

“Do you understand?” he asked. His voice was so seductive. It left me breathless, so all I could do was nod. He release me and turned away, leaving me alone in the dark. I walked back to my room completely in awe.

I lay down, closing my eyes. My dreams were filled with The Phantom. The masked man. The mystery.
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I hope u like this chapter here another pic of Gerard