Status: Active

Love Is Like the Ocean, Beautiful, But Destructive

Chapter One

~Millie’s POV~

Coming back to Huntington Beach didn’t seem that bad of an idea when Kaylee decided we needed a change of scenery. That’s before I realized the only reason I came here was hoping to find Zack. Even after twelve years, I still dream of him all the time.

Kaylee somewhat knew what happened there, but I never told her I fell in love with him. But, knowing her she figured it a long time ago. As I walked down the same path I took all those years ago, I noticed it looked even better in the daylight. Finally reaching my destination, I sat down on the rock that started it all. Looking down I laughed at the graffiti that Zack had written.

It said, 'Millie & Zacky Forever or until I die from alcohol poisoning.'

'Does he still live here? Is he married and have kids? Or did he ever make it as a rock star like he always told me he would?' My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my name being called out.

“Yo Millie!” Kaylee shouted at me from far away with her weird accent that I still to this day don’t comprehend.

Shaking my head and standing up after dusting off my dress, I walked towards her. When I was next to her, I noticed a black haired man sit on the same exact rock I was on earlier.

“So my lovely beautiful and sexy who is the most-”

Cutting her off, I asked already annoyed, “What did you do this time?” I asked looking at her suspiciously .

“Now what makes you think I did something?”

Really, I know her like the back of my hand. “Do you want me to answer that?” I asked, giving her the evil eye.

“Fine, whatever, but before you rudely interrupted me I was going to tell you this super hot guy that has tons of tattoos and has really big muscles and the most fucking panty dropping voice invited us to a party!” she said the last part happily.

“Don’t guys that have muscles usually lack below?” I asked her seriously, not being mean but my dear friend has always looked for a guy with some meat.

“Size doesn’t matter this time!” She was smiling like a little kid in a candy store.

“He has dimples doesn’t he?” I asked chuckling, her weakness have always been guys with dimples.

“Yes! Now hurry up, we have to get ready. The party starts in a couple of hours.”

Joy. Not even here a full day and she's already planning on getting drunk and having sex with a stranger. How wonderful is that?

Who knows what shit might happen tonight.