Edge of Desire


My eyes fluttered open, I turned to look at my alarm clock, 8:30am , I groaned and sat up. I heard a cell phone ring, but it wasn’t my ring tone… I looked to my left, there was a girl lying there, but she definitely wasn’t my girlfriend. Flashbacks of last night ran through my head. I brought her home with me and we did more than sleep. Her phone rang once more waking her up, she sat up quickly and looked over at me and practically fell out of my bed.

“Kendall Schmidt?” She muttered to herself, but just loud enough so I could hear. Her phone rang another time, but this time she answered it.

“Hello?” She said. “Yes, I will be there… I’ll talk to you later, bye.”

After she hung up the phone, she looked at me. “What happened last night?” She asked me.

“I’m not sure” I replied, which was clearly a lie.

“We had sex?” She asked, whispering the word sex as a child would.

“Um, Yeah I’m pretty sure.” I said, looking at her, she was fully undressed, and she quickly pulled the covers up to cover her body.

She was cute and very innocent.

Her eyes filled with tears, I was very confused. I furrowed my brows. “What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Nothing…” She said as her cheeks turned pink. “I just didn’t imagine my first time, as a one night stand.”

“Your first time?” I asked. I felt terrible, this was a one night stand, and I robbed this poor girl of her innocence.

She nodded.

“But you're… gorgeous, how…?” I asked confused.

“Was just waiting for someone I loved” She said quietly. “I mean don’t get me wrong, you’re fucking Kendall Schmidt, you're in a really famous band and it should be a freaking prize to have sex with you but-” I cut her off.

“No need to explain anything to me.” I said. We stood quiet for a few minutes. “Was this really your first time?” I asked.

She just looked at me, “Yes.” She said, as her cheeks turned a shade of pink once more.

“Don’t be embarrassed.”

“I should go.” She said as she got out of my bed and gathered her clothes. I watched her as she slipped her dress on quickly, her back turned to me.

“What’s your name?” I asked. I was slightly embarrassed that I couldn't remember her name from the night before.


“Sorry, we had to meet like this Jess.” I said apologetically.

“Don’t apologize Kendall. It isn’t your fault” She said as she slipped on her high heels. I reached for her phone on my nightstand; she looked at me in confusion.

“Why don’t you call me sometime?” I suggested as I put my number into her phone.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend Mr. Schmidt?” She asked. I bit my lip.

“Yes but I want to make this up to you and this could be a start to a great friendship.” I said with a smile, and she smiled back. She gave me her number and I put it into my phone.

I got out of bed and walked her downstairs. “Thank you for being so nice Kendall” She said. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

“No need to thank me.” I said with a smile.
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new story, with Big Time Rush :) Comment!