Edge of Desire


"Where'd you run off to last night?" Logan asked me.

"Just headed home early, I got tired." I replied.

Logan gave me a suspicious look and continued his conversation with James.

I don't know why but I just felt really bad for taking this girl's innocence and I couldn't stop thinking about how to make it up to her.

Hey Jess. Want to meet me somewhere for dinner? I'd really like to make it up to you. -Kendall


I couldn't get that morning out of my head. One, I slept with a guy who had a girlfriend, and he wasn't just any guy he was Kendall fucking Schmidt. Two, I lost my virginity, well what I had left of it, to this guy I won't ever have a relationship with and that sucked. I stared at the text Kendall had sent me a couple of hours ago.

Hey. Um, yeah sure. Are you sure it's a good idea?

I put my phone down thinking I wouldn't get a response for a while and my phone vibrated instantly.

Positive. Hmm... How about you just meet me at my house for dinner? -Kendall

Um, okay.

I was a little unsure of this plan Kendall had, he texted me shortly to remind me of his address. It wasn't too far from my house, maybe a good twenty minutes.

I pulled into the drive way and I looked at myself in the rear-view mirror. Why was I even here?

I got out of my car and walked to Kendall's front door, I took a deep breathe and rang his doorbell.

I didn't have to wait long before the front door swung open.

Kendall smiled, "Hi Jess."

"Hi." I replied.

"Come in!" He opened the door wider and I stepped inside his house.

"I hope you like spaghetti, that's all I really know how to make well." Kendall chuckled softly.

"Oh yeah. Spaghetti is fine." I said with a smile.

He smiled back at me, he led me into the kitchen where the smell of the food hit me.

"Hey, I want to apologize again Jess." Kendall said as he put his hand on my arm.

I glanced at his hand. Kendall was so gorgeous, but he had a girlfriend.

"Don't apologize, it's fine really." I smiled.

Kendall pulled out a chair for me at the dinner table, "Thank you." I said as I took a seat. He sat in the chair next to mine and we attempted to get to know each other, this felt like a date.

But I knew it wasn't. Kendall was in a relationship, and as much as I'd like to be the girl Kendall was in a relationship with, it was just never gonna happen.

"I feel bad asking you this but I do want to be friends and I do want us to be able to hang out which would mean you'd eventually meet my um girlfriend but could you not bring up you know, us sleeping together." Kendall said softly.

I nodded slowly. "Uh, yeah of course."

"I'm sorry." Kendall repeated "I know, I'm an ass."

"No it's alright Kendall." I said.

"Hey, all the guys and I were going to go to our C.D. release party. Come." Kendall said with a smile.

"No I couldn't." I replied.

"Please Jess? Come!"

"When is it?"

"Friday night. I can pick you up?"

"I'll think about it, I'll text you and let you know."

He smiled. "I think we will be great friends."
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Chapter One! Thoughts?

Comment and I will update :D