Edge of Desire


It was about 7:45 pm by the time Jess and I showed up to my C.D release party. The new album was playing in the background and it was only a couple songs in, meaning I wasn't too late to my own party.

"It's about time you showed up Kendall!" James stated as he slapped the back of my head.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just had to pick up a friend."

James looked past me and focused his eyes on Jess, who was stood behind me.

"Hi, I'm James. And you are?"

Jess looked at him, "Jess."

"Nice to meet you, Jess." James said with a big smile

"Nice job with this girl Ken, I call dibs." He whispered in my ear, "Well I'm gonna head back to the guys, Kendall we're taking pictures in five. Hopefully talk to you later Jess." James said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes, feeling slightly jealous that James would soon try to win her over, but I ignored that feeling and continued on with the party.

James walked over to where my other band mates were standing.

I turned toward Jess, "Thanks for coming Jess. I know this is all, probably really intimidating for you but really thank you. It's always nice to have real friends at these kind of things."

She smiled softly.

"No problem."

Two hands covered my eyes and a girl's voice whispered "Guess who." I grabbed the hands and turned to face my girlfriend, Kelly.

"Hey Kel."

She placed a quick kiss on my lips. "I missed you. Oh who is this?" She asked, referring to Jess.

"I'm Jess," She said quickly, "I'm one of Kendall's friends, it's nice to meet you."

Kelly smiled, "It's nice to meet you too."

"Well I have to leave you girls for a moment, see you soon" I said

I walked towards my other band mates where photographers and fans were taking pictures of us four.

"Who's your friend?" Logan asked.

"Her name's Jess."

"She's pretty." James stated, I nodded my headed in agreement.

"What does your girlfriend think of her? Emphasis on the word girlfriend." Carlos asked me.

"It doesn't matter, Jess is just a friend guys."

"Good, because she's damn hot, and I call dibs on her." James stated once again, I rolled my eyes.

Our whole album finished playing and it seemed like we got positive feedback and we all felt pretty confident about this new album release.

It was about 11:45 pm and the guys wanted to hang out a bit longer and suggested we go and grab something to eat. I thought maybe, just maybe Jess would like to tag along.

Jess pulled me aside, "Kendall, I think it's time for me to go home."

"Are you sure? You don't want to go grab a bite to eat with us?"

"No, it's okay. I'm just tired."

I scratched the back of my head in confusion, I thought we were all having a good time. "Alright..."

"Hey guys I'll meet you there." I said

All the guys agreed. "C'mon." I said to Jess

"Kenny, where are you going?" Kelly asked

"I'll be back Kel, I just have to drop Jess off. Go home, I'll meet you at your house soon." I said with a smile. I quickly kissed her lips and she nodded in agreement. "See you soon." She said and she left the party to go to her house.

We walked to my car in silence, I opened the passenger side door for her and shut it behind her. I got in the car, and sat there for a minute before actually starting the car.

The entire car ride was silent, I would occasionally look at Jess but I would never get a look in return. It was about twenty minutes before I pulled into her driveway. Jess finally looked at me.

"Thanks for inviting me Kendall, I had a nice time." She said and she opened the passenger door to get out, but I leaned over quickly and pulled her door shut before she could get out. Jess gave a a confused look. "Kendall?"

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing, can I go now?" She asked me.

"You didn't have fun?" I asked softly.

She didn't answer right away, she just continued to look at me. "Kendall you're only doing this because you feel bad." She choked out.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Doing what? Being your friend?"

"Exactly. You feel bad because you had sex with me and that you have a girlfriend and that you never had any intentions of ever being with me."

I was silent for a few minutes before responding to what she had accused me of. "I'm not doing any of this because I feel bad. I don't feel bad, we had a fun time that night and I don't regret it. It was fun and if that didn't happen, I wouldn't have ever met you. I want to be really good friends with you Jess, because I don't have many true, genuine friends."

"I mean, do you want to be with me? Is that why your upset?"

"No." She answered quickly. "I just don't fit in with your life style, or your friends."

"All of my friends loved you Jess. I'm just a normal guy. I know we haven't known each other for long, but for some reason something is just telling me to keep you in my life and I will do just that."

Jess nodded. "Thank you Kendall."

"Now go get some rest. I'll call you tomorrow to see if you're okay." I said

Jess nodded one more time and opened the passenger door once more, except she actually got out of the car and shut the door behind her. I didn't pull out of her driveway until she was safely inside her house.

I didn't know where this girl came from, or why I wanted her in my life so badly. But I had no intentions of letting her out of my life. And that scared me.

It scared me a lot.
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Finally an update! Comment? Thoughts?

Thanks guys :)