Edge of Desire


“Be at Jess’ house by 7:00 tonight.” I told James.

“You scored me a date with Jess?” He sounded surprised.

“I told you I would.”

“I didn’t actually think you’d do it, I thought you had some sort of crush on her or something.” He replied.

“Well I don’t. Don’t disappoint her.” I told him.

“Never, thanks man.” He said with a smile.

“Anything for a friend.” I replied “I have to go pick Kelly up, meet us for dinner around 8.”

James nodded in agreement.


I really don’t know why Kendall set me up with one of his friends. He told me he took some time from me to think. Think about what though? If we were only friends, there would be nothing to think about.

I looked at the clock on the oven, 6:58, the doorbell rang.

“You’re two minutes early Mr. Maslow.” I greeted him.

“My apologies Miss.” He said with a grin and he chuckled, “So are you ready to go?”

“Yes, let’s go.” I said with a smile.

James placed his hand on my lower back and guided me to his car; he opened the passenger door for me.

He was a complete gentleman. Maybe I would give James a chance.

James glanced over at me, “You look beautiful Jess.”

I blushed, “Thank you.”

He smiled.

We pulled into a restaurant’s parking lot, I’ve never been to this restaurant but it looked elegant and very expensive.

James opened the car door for me, “This is where we’re having dinner?”

“Is there something wrong with this place? We could go somewhere else?” James frowned.

“No, this is fine.” I said with a smile.

James once again put his hand on my back and guided me inside the restaurant.

Inside was beautiful, it was wide and had large gorgeous chandeliers. This wasn’t me. James took my hand and guided me to our table where Kendall and Kelly were sat.

I knew we were all meeting up later but I wasn’t aware we were having dinner with Kendall and his girlfriend!

I sat down and James followed. “Hi Jess.” Kendall said.


I thought this double date was very awkward, and being in an atmosphere I wasn’t comfortable with made me feel even more awkward. I shifted in my seat.

James leaned over, “Are you okay? We could leave.” He whispered in my ear.

I nodded, “It’s alright, and I’m fine.”

He smiled.

“Alright are you guys ready to go?” Kendall asked after we all had finished eating

“Yeah let’s go.” James said “Meet you guys at the club?”

Kendall nodded, “See you there.”

James paid our bill and grabbed my hand and led me to the car.

Once we were in the car, we both sat there in awkward silence. “James you’re probably thinking I’m not having a good time, but I am I really am.”

James sighed. “I can take you home if you want. I don’t know if you’re here for me, or Kendall.”

I looked at him, I felt terrible.

“I’m here for you James. I want to be here with you.” I replied.

I reached over and grabbed his hand, entwining my fingers with his.

James smiled, “Let’s go.”

We met up with Kendall, Logan, Carlos and all of their dates in front of the club.

When we all made it in, the guys immediately went to the bar to buy drinks.

James came back with a shot in hand, “Here you go.”

“Nothing for you?” I said as I grabbed it out of his hand

“No, I have to get you home safe. I’ll skip the drinking for tonight” He said with a smile

I smiled and drank.

“Want to dance?” He asked as he grabbed my hand.


James and I danced, and suddenly Kendall and Kelly were right next to us.

I really was starting to like James, but Kendall kept popping up, and I couldn’t focus on just James.

Kendall whispered something into Kelly’s ear and she nodded and left heading toward the bar.

“Mind if I steal your date for a moment?” Kendall asked James.

“I do mind but I’ll give you a minute” James said and he followed in Kelly’s footsteps.

Kendall grabbed my hand and pulled me off the dance floor.

“You look great Jess.” Kendall stated.

“You’re drunk.”

Kendall shook his head.

“Do you like him?” He asked me.

“I do.” I said with a smile.

Kendall brushed the hair out of my face and placed it behind my ear, he was definitely drunk and I knew I was in no condition to talk to him.

He got closer to me, “Be careful with him, and don’t get too close. I want to have fun with you later.” He whispered in my ear

I grabbed Kendall’s arm, “Don’t.”

I walked to the bar where James was sat, “Can we go?”

“Um, yes.” He said

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the club.

The ride home was silent; I didn’t want to say anything stupid.

James pulled up to my house and like a gentlemen he walked me to my front door

“I had a nice time.” I said

“Are you sure, you seemed… you seemed distant.”

He was right; I was focused on Kendall the whole night.

Before I knew it my lips met his and he was inside of my house. Our lips never parted, James picked me up and we both dropped onto the couch. I lifted his shirt over his head and his hands were on my hips. I began kissing his neck when he pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He ran his fingers through my hair.

“Nothing.” He said in a sweet voice and he began kissing me again.

He unzipped my dress and pulled it off quickly, he began to kiss my neck.

“I can’t.” He said getting off of me.

“What?” I said quickly pulling my knees up to cover myself.

“I really like you Jess. That’s why I can’t.”

I was so confused; I pulled my dress back on quickly.

He grabbed my hands, “You’re beautiful, and I like you so much. I want to get to know you.”

“Oh, you want to go home then?” I asked

“Well, I’d actually like if we could talk tonight?” He asked smiling

“I’d like that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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