A Little Piece of Heaven

My Heart’s Always With You.

Fucking hell. A couple of hours and I had already pushed him away. I had heard him rush down the stairs and then out of the front door, it slamming violently behind him. And so far I had Johnny, Becky and Charlie visit me in my own personal hell-hole.
“What you gonna do?” Charlie said, throwing himself down onto my bed. I pulled my legs up to my chest.
“I don’t know…”I mumbled, chewing the sleeve of my hoodie, “What do you think I should do?”
“Well me personally…thinks you should go find that poor guy...he really does love you! Can’t you see that?” he said, exasperated.
I’ve got problems okay!” I yelled at him. He looked slightly taken aback but his face soon returned to it’s normal caring self. He placed his hand on my shoulder gently and I just looked at it.
“Then sort them out…your parent’s can’t control you forever. You love him and he loves you…so just go find him before I throw your ass out of that window!” he laughed. I smiled. He was right.
“Okay. But…” I scratched my head, “where do I start looking?”
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I know I am so sorry about the massive lack of updates but I've had a really rough two months and well...updating wasn't really occupying my brain.
I know this is shit and short but it's just a little filler. I'm hoping to be able to start updating again soon...it might help me through these tough times, along with the help of your awesome comments :)
So don't forget to comment...they honestly will mean the world to me at the moment :)
Death Is A Promise.