My Angel.

They Said 'Welcome To This City'

Frank’s POV

”Time to go!” The unfamiliar voice came from downstairs.

The little boy, no more than 5, put his rucksack on his back and looked round the small room, sobbing quietly.

“Come ON! We are leaving NOW!” The woman’s sickly sweet voice wafted upstairs, but with a scary edge to it.

The boy sniffed, wiped his nose on his sleeve and walked, shoulders hunched, out of the bare little room and took his short legs down the seemingly huge stairs, to the blonde lady waiting at the bottom.

“Are you ready to visit mommy now?” She smiled plastically

“Frankie!” Gee’s voice, his hand on my arm, shaking me, awakened me from another one of the dreams that haunt me every night. “Up! Now! We’re here!”

I blinked, rubbing my eyes, and yawned.

“Aww you look so cute when you yawn!” He exclaimed and hugged me tightly.

“Uhh – Gee – oxygen… need-air-now!” I gasped. He giggled and let me go.

“Sorry Frankiekins.”

“What’s the time?”

“About 1:30. We hit a bunch of traffic getting into the city. HEY!” he said hey loudly, making me jump. “Frankie, you wanna get some lunch? I know some great places.”

“Yeah, sure. Sounds good to me,” I agreed, still trying to shake off the last bits of sleep.

“Yay! Let’s drop our stuff inside first though.”

“Kay,” I nodded, and he jumped out the car, – I don’t know how he has so much energy – grabbed our bags from the trunk, and made his way into the rundown looking apartment building we had parked in front of.

I followed him in, and we started a long walk up a narrow staircase. He apologised about the lack of an elevator constantly, and I had to keep reassuring him that it was okay.

After four flights he stopped outside a door labelled ‘23b’, which he unlocked and then stepped inside, flinging our bags on the floor.

I followed him into the gloom, swinging the door shut behind me. I looked around, but it was so dark that it was impossible to see anything.

Suddenly, there was light, and I saw his silhouette at the window, New York sun shining in from behind him into the room, illuminating it.

“So…” he started, almost shyly, “What do you think?” I looked around the room.

It was big, and had all assortment of stuff in it. Against one wall, there was a small TV with a sofa bed facing it, stacks of video piled on the floor. Leaning by the window was his desk, – paper and pencils, books and, of course, rubbers, all over it – and on the floor surrounding it was a massive stereo. In the corner furthest from the door was a huge bed, wardrobe and overflowing bookcase.

In the corner next to the door was a surprisingly clean kitchenette, and next to the front door were two more doors, one closed, but the other open to reveal a bathroom.

The whole place was totally Gerard; just like another – slightly larger – version of his room. The walls were dark, and covered with posters and his own drawings. His clothes and CDs were scattered on the floor.

“I know it isn’t much…” came his voice, making me realise I hadn’t spoken in over a minute and he probably thought I was repulsed by his apartment or something.

“Gee, it’s perfect. I love it.”

His face lit up, “Really?”

“Yeah, it’s fantastic.” I ran over to his king size bed and threw myself on it, bouncing up and down. He laughed at me. “But, you know, you don’t need to worry about impressing me so much.”

“I know. I just really wanted you to like it.” He plonked himself on the bed beside me and lay down, putting his head on my lap. He looked up at me. “Hehe, you look funny from below! Wow! Now I know how you must see us all!” He teased.

I hit him playfully “I’m not that short.”

“You are pretty short though,” he laughed.

“Fine then. Someone’s not getting any kisses.”

The smile fell from his face, “Oh. I’m sorrrrrrry. Please can I have a kiss? I loooooove you,” he smiled innocently at me and I just couldn’t resist.

“Fine. One kiss. One.”

I bent my head down to meet his raised one, until we met in the middle and kissed. He propped himself up on his elbows so he wouldn’t fall and we made out like that, pretty much upside down, for a few minutes, before I lifted my head back up, sending him crashing back down – right onto my crotch, thank you very much. He glared at me.

“Lunch then Frankie?”

“I would rather eat you…” I joked.

“I have no objections with that. But right now, I’m hungry, so let’s go get some actual food.” He sat up, leaving my lap cold.

I sighed and stood up with him. We grabbed our jackets and walked, hand in hand, down the stairs.

We took a left as we exited the building, turning to face the Diners and pawn shops of downtown New York.

“Sorry- I don’t live in the greatest of neighbourhoods. Only place I could afford,” he apologised.

“Stop fucking apologising!” I laughed at him, “I don’t care!” I squeezed his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Now. Let’s get some lunch!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title taken from the song Lies and Ripped Jeans, by Myah!
It's an awesome song. Check it out.
Aaaand this chapter is totally and utterly dedicated to Buffy-willow, who has not only commented on nearly every chapter so far, but has also helped me out with my grammer :P
So thanks very much (and I promise I will update more from now on)