My Angel.

Cara Cow

Gerard’s POV

I could kill Bert sometimes. That was so embarrassing. I promised myself I would get him back for that later, the asshole.

But at that moment in time, I was more interested in Frank. We were dancing right in the centre of the room, and I could tell about half the people in there were watching us – it was pretty sexy dancing – band included, but I really didn’t care. Everything was too perfect.

I had my hands on the small of his back, my arms looped around his waist, with his tightly around my neck. His crotch was grinding into mine in a rhythm completely different to that of the music, and I was moaning into his hair every now and again. One of my knees was pushed between his thighs, slowly rubbing up and down not-so-subtly. He started to kiss my neck, sucking at the skin. He was trying to leave a mark.

I knew that this was a shock to most of my friends, who didn’t know about my feelings for Frank. They all knew I was bi, but not really actively. And now here I was, pulling some very dirty moved with some guy they didn’t even know. But the weird thing was I didn’t feel the need to explain it. This felt so right.

The band went offstage to massive cheers. I kissed Frank on the cheek and hugged him tightly, before pulling away and grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. I used my free hand to cover my crotch, where a small tent had pitched in my pants. Frank did the same; he had the same problem as me.

Not for long.

I dragged him along with me in the direction of Bert’s bathroom. That’s right – the underground club was part of Bert’s house. God knows where his money comes from…

We reached the bathroom and I pushed the door open, pulling Frank in after me. I turned and locked the door, then pushed him back against the door. He smirked at me.

‘Someone’s horny tonight,’ he chuckled.

‘Baby, I’m always horny when I’m with you,’ I whispered seductively. His eyes widened and looked down. I followed his gaze, and saw that his erection was bigger than ever. I smirked back at him.

‘Looks like someone else is horny tonight.’ He blushed and looked back up at me.

‘Well that voice…’ he started, pushing himself up against me and leaning up so his hot breath was right in my ear, ‘Was orgasmic

I groaned and he kissed me hard, his hand instantly travelling to my crotch. He pushed my lips apart with his tongue and started rubbing my crotch.

I tried to pull away – I mean this wasn’t the most romantic setting and I wanted to save Frank’s seemingly massive sex drive for later - but he was having none of it, and continued to kiss me roughly, rubbing my increasingly inflating crotch.

A bang on the door and a cry of ‘I need a shit!’ from the other side managed to break the mood. Frank pulled away and looked at me, one eyebrow cocked. We both broke out with laughter, and shouted that we were coming.

We laughed even more, then stepped out of the room together (much to the surprise of the guy on the other side) and made our way back into the main room, where we wandered over to the bar and ordered two shots of tequila.

‘Got any proof of age?’ The bartender asked Frank

‘Since when do Bert’s bartenders ask for proof of age?’ I demanded

‘Since the place got busted a couple weeks ago for serving 16 year olds. ID?’

‘They’re my friends. Is that ID enough, or do you want me to fire your ass?’ came Bert’s voice from behind us.

‘Oh, I didn’t realise. Sure he can have a drink…’ The bartender poured the shots and passed them to us.

We shot them back… just like the next one… and the next… and the next…

Five shots later, we were pretty much falling off our stools. Frank had gotten very giggly, as he always did when he was drunk, and I was talking very loudly and being very animated, waving my arms all over the place.

‘Gerrrrardddddd… I love you! Andddd I always have!’ Frank laughed out loud and lunged at me, throwing himself onto my lap and kissing me, before falling onto the floor and asking why he was in China.

‘Frrrrra-haha-nk! You’re not in China! You’re on the floooooor!’

‘Gerard?’ Came a female voice from behind us, slightly distorted by the alcohol rushing through my brain.

I spun round to see a woman dressed in a short red dress, with long blonde hair, black and purple streaks running through it. She was grinning down at me.

‘EM?! OH MY GOD!’ I screamed, jumping up and smothering her in a hug. She squeezed me tightly back, then let go, stepping back and giggling.

‘You look amazing Gerard,’ she smiled

‘So do you! Oh my god it’s so good to see you!’

‘So who’s the sexy guy you’re here with? And where is he?’ She asked, looking around.

‘Oh he’s on the floor…’ I looked down, and Frank was nowhere to be seen. ‘Well,’ I laughed, ‘He was on the floor.’

Emma grinned and looked up at the stage, where we could hear two guitars playing some song I didn’t know. I followed her gaze

‘FRANK?!’ I shouted. He was sitting on an amp on stage, guitar on his lap, teaching the guitarist from the girl band a song.

‘Oooooh so it’s Frank?’ Emma smirked and looked up at stage. ‘Well I can totally see why you were so in love with him… he’s very hot.’

‘People keep saying that tonight…’ I couldn’t help but sound a little bit bitter when I said that.

‘That’s ‘cause it’s true. It’s what makes you such a good couple,’ she smiled. I must have looked confused, because she clarified, ‘You’re the two hottest guys in the room. You match,’ she laughed. ‘So do I get to meet wonder-boy up there?’

‘Yeah, come with me. He’ll love you!’ I grinned and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the front of the room with me. Emma was one of my best friends in New York, and I had told her a lot about Frank. She was actually the first person that found out I was gay.

We climbed onto the edge of the stage, where Frank was laughing with the girl, who was following his lead on the guitar. Most of the room was listening them play to the beautiful song they were playing. I never knew Frank was that amazing at guitar…

I felt a pang of jealousy as the girl, who looked to be about 17, leaned towards Frank and giggled seductively, letting her skirt get hitched up slightly and pushing her boobs closer to his face. He ignored her quite successfully.

I coughed slightly and Frank’s head shot up.

‘GEE! COME LISTEN! I’m teaching Cara my song!’

‘That’s great Frank,’ I smiled, sitting down close to him and putting my and on his thigh to let this ‘Cara’ girl know he was mine.

‘Oh hey Emma!’ she said, spotting Em lurking by the side of stage, ‘Come here!’

‘Hello Cara,’ Emma said without much enthusiasm, stepping further onto stage and smiling at Cara.

I felt Frank’s hot breath in my ear, ‘You look hot when you’re jealous babe, but there’s no need. Why would I want her when I have the most gorgeous guy in the room?’ he moved away and smirked at me, then continued playing. Almost all of the room was watching Frank playing by now.

He stood up and moved to the microphone.

‘Hello everyone… Umm, I realise that you don’t know me, but most of you know Gerard, and that lots of you are wondering who I am. I’m Frank and-’

The whole room seemed to sigh and smile, as if realising that they knew him after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter name taken from that Meg Cabot book (I can't remember the name of it, I just thought it worked for the chapter)
I'm not really happy with this chapter... filler tbh :)