My Angel.

The New Kid On The Block

Five Years Earlier
Gerard’s POV
Mikey just called down the stairs that the new family across the street are moving in. So… he expects me to care then? Am I supposed to give a fuck? People move in and out of our neighbourhood all the time – no one wants to stay in Belleville very long. If I paid attention to every family that moves in I would have no life whatsoever… Not that I do anyway…]

Frank’s POV
We’ve been living in Belleville for 2 weeks now and the only person who has even bothered to talk to me is the kid across the street, Mikey. He’s been over here a bit and he’s pretty cool. My mum just stays inside most of the time so it’s nice to have someone to talk to.

I know he has a brother – Gerard – because Mikey spends about 50% of his time talking about him, but I have yet to meet this incredible artist.

“Frank! Go get the mail!” Mom screamed from upstairs, pulling me out of my daydream. I swear, ever since we moved here she’s been using me as her personal slave.

I sighed and rolled off the couch, walking over to the front door. I shoved my feet in trusty old converses and pulled a hoodie over my bare chest.

Stepping out into the wind, I realised that PJ trousers are not enough to protect you from a Jersey winter. It was when I reached the end of the yard that I noticed the Way door open. Out stepped the most incredible sight. A milky pale, black haired, slim man – gotta be Gerard – stepped out into the January air and walked to the end of his driveway, just as I was doing, but the thing that made this so weird was that he was in only his boxers. No pants. No top. No shoes… how could he possibly not freeze to death by the time he got to the end of the drive?

After staring at him walk down the drive, collect the mail, then turned back to the house, I saw him turn his head round, and he stared back at me with big hazel eyes. I could see even from 20 metres away that they would be dangerously addictive.

He didn’t look surprised that I was staring at him, or even embarrassed that he was wearing only his underwear with a weird kid staring at him. I averted my gaze and ran quickly back into the house.

I closed the door and sighed at the warmth. Then I realised that I had forgotten the mail.

Gerard’s POV
The fucking alarm's beeping woke me up.

I found the top of the duvet and tried to retrieve the alarm from my floor. Finding it, I smashed it about on the floor trying to find the off button. Giving up, I threw it against the wall, stopping the ear shattering sound.

Why dose my head hurt so much? I thought blurrily while trying to block out the persistent ray of light creeping through the door at the top of the stairs.

Things started to return as I noticed the empty bottle of vodka on the floor. Shit… I wanted to save some of that to have tonight. I opened my bedside cabinet and pulled out my anti-depressants, dry swallowing 4 – twice the dose, but they never work anyway.

“GERARD! GET UP! ITS NINE O’CLOCK!” called mom from upstairs, clearly oblivious to the fact I have a hangover from hell. Fuck… I have to be at the comic store in 30 minutes.

Standing up, the freezing air hit my naked body and my head pounded a million times more than before. I pulled on a pair of boxers and wandered upstairs.

“GERARD! Can you get the mail pleaaaaaaase?”

“Gettit yourself Mikey you lazy ass, I need coffee.”

“Pleaaaaaaaaase?” he whined, appearing on the stairs, doing his best puppy dog face. I sighed

“FINE. But you had better not grow anymore because you won’t be so cute once you’re taller than me. INFACT I would have to beat the shit outta you.” I turned to the front door, hearing him giggling and walking to the kitchen. That kid has me wrapped round his little finger way too much.

I stepped out onto the porch, the freezing December air just the shock I needed to wake up my hung-over body. Walking down the steps, I realised that I had no shoes on. Cold. I got to the end of the path, got the mail and turned and walked slowly back to the house, when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I reached the porch and swivelled round to see who was watching me, when I saw a short little kid in a Misfits hoodie – good music taste for a little guy – staring at me through huge green eyes from the house across the street.

He looked shocked. Why am I so interesting to this kid? Fuck it, I thought. If he wants to stare, why not let him stare. I stared right back at him. The kid must be Frank Iero; the kid Mikey spends 50% of his time talking about.

We must have stayed staring at each other for about 30 seconds, before he suddenly turned and ran back into his house. I smiled to myself and turned back into the house, swinging the door closed behind me. Mom came out of the kitchen and looked at me in shock

“What?” I asked, why do people keep looking at me like this today

“Gerard, you just went outside in your boxers?” I looked down. Oh crap, that’s why he was staring.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its long but it all had to go in one chapter or it wouldn't make sense.
Please comment so i know I'm not wasting my time writing this.