My Angel.


Frank’s POV
I can’t believe we’ve only lived in Belleville for a year…

In that time, I’ve made my two best friends, Mikey and Gerard, actually enjoyed school for the first time in my life thanks to having friends, managed to NOT be bullied (no one in middle school is exactly gunna mess with a dude in high school – even if that dude is Gerard), and I’ve started to learn guitar, which I’m getting kinda good at…

I just don’t want to go to high school next year. Mikey’s told me about getting the shit kicked outta him there by seniors, who don’t care if your related to/friends with Gerard – in fact it apparently makes you an easier target.

To top that, I really don’t know what is going on in my head right now, I mean –


I ignored her, and just turned it up even louder. I’m thinking and I need music to help myself think. Anyway, where was I before she so stupidly interrupted me? I let my trail of thoughts back up to where they were before. I shouldn’t be feeling like this, I’m pretty positive. I mean, I’m 15, right? I’ve had girlfriends (well, maybe not plural but still), people finally like me… I should be taking advantage of that before I have to go to high school in the summer. But no, stupid Frank Iero has to make life hard for himself. Its not that I’m not interested in girls… I’m just interested in guys too…

This is so fucked up.

I like a guy.

The absolute worst guy for me to possibly like.

But… thing is, he’s perfect. Its like he can just stare into my soul, and find the thing that’s wrong, then make it better. The fact that he cares about what I think, the fact that he’s the trustworthiest person I have ever met and the fact that he draws every little ugly detail and somehow makes it beautiful just make me love him even more… Ger –

“FRANK!” For fucks sake. Can’t she ever just let me think?!

“GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW SHORTIE!” Gerard’s voice floated up the stairs. I looked at the clock… oops, I was meant to go over there 10 minutes ago…

I jumped off my bed and pulled a clean t-shirt on. I tripped down the stairs and, unable to stop myself when I reached the bottom, collided head first with Gerard.

“Whoah, Frankie, I know I’m pretty irresistible, but try to control yourself.” he joked, then in a stage whisper, said “I mean, your Mom is here…” I blushed furiously and he chuckled. “So, you ready to go?”

“Yeah, sure. Where’s Mikey?” I asked him

“Right here. Hey Frank, Linda” Mikey wandered through the open door.

“Hello Mikey,” she replied, “Frank, go get a jacket.”

“Mom, we’re going to the mall. It’s inside.” I protested.

“I don’t care. Go get a jacket and I might give you this;” she waved twenty dollars in my face “For your lunch.”

I sighed in frustration, but I could really do with the money, so I grabbed my hoodie from the banister, snatched the twenty and waved bye to my mom, whilst walking out to Gee’s car.

“So,” Mikey began “You ready to get your lip pierced?” He and Gerard smiled mischievously at me as I nodded my head furiously.
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I don't want to sound like one of those annoying people who begs for comments at the end of every chapter, but i kinda feel like no one actually likes the story, what with the lack of comments...
