My Angel.

I Missed You!

Gerard’s POV
six months later

“Mom! I’m home!” I called, walking through the door with a suitcase and a big box of art stuff.

“Hi honey!” She said, walking into the hallway, and pulled me into a hug. “MIKEY! GERARD IS HOME! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND SAY HI TO YOUR BROTHER!” She screamed up the stairs, from where a bass beat could be heard. “So how was your trip?” She asked, going back to a normal-person sound level.

“Okay thanks, the car-” I started, when my 17 year old brother came hurtling down the stairs, knocking mom outta the way.

“GEEEEEEEE!” He ran into me, sending my box flying, and pulled me into a crushing bear hug.

“Whoah! Mikes… hey little brother… how much have you grown?! You look like a fucking beanpole!”

“Gerard! Don’t swear!” Mom said, faking shocked.

“Oh yeah. We’ve got minors in here. Sorry Mikey, for letting that foul language spill out of my mouth. I hope I haven’t had too much of a negative influence on you.” I fake apologised. He giggled, “Soooo, you miss me?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Hell yeah! It’s so good your moving back home!”

“Well, I couldn’t stay in New York forever now could I, I mean, what would you do without your responsible big brother – who never swears – to keep you in check” Mom laughed and said something about coffee, wandering off into the kitchen.

“So, was your last semester of college good?” He asked, pulling away from me – finally.

“Yeah it was. I really did start to miss Jersey though… everyone in New York is so… busy. I couldn’t really keep up to be honest.”

“And your apartment looks like a cave…”

“Well that too.” I laughed.

“Well at least your back. OOH!” he jumped up in excitement “Can I go tell Frankie your back? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?” My heart skipped a beat at his name. Shit, I thought I had managed to control that…

“Yeah sure, I’d love to see the little guy.”

“YAY!” He ran out of the door, shoeless. Mom came back into the hallway with two cups of coffee.

“Aww thanks Mom,” I said appreciatively, taking a cup of steaming coffee from her hand and quickly gulping it back.

“I still don’t know how you can do that…” She said in wonderment. I chuckled and took another sip. “So are you going to stand out here all day or are you coming in?”

“Oh yeah.” I smiled, “Sorry Mom.” I followed her into the sitting room. “Hey! You re-painted! Why?” I asked, looking round.

“I thought it could do with lightening up a bit… that green was always so gloomy. Do you like it?” She asked hopefully, sitting on the couch.

“Yeah I do… it’ll just take a little while to get used to seeing in here, my night-vision had been getting so good…” I looked into the top corner of the room, screwing up my eyes. Mom followed my gaze.

“What is it?” She asked, bewildered.

“The bats are gone!”

“Gerard!” She laughed, slapping me lightly on the arm

“GERARD!” Came a shout from the hall as the front door slammed. A red faced, panting, but incredibly sexy Frank appeared in the doorway, looking round the room. “GEE!” He exclaimed on finding me in the room. I stood up and walked over to him.

“Hey Frankie! I missed you so much!” I pulled him into a hug.

“I missed you too Gee.” He said, burying his head into my chest and breathing in deeply. He pulled away after a few seconds. “It’s so great your back.” He said, pulling me back into a hug.

“I’ll leave you boys to re-unite – I’m going out.” Mom said. “Back on a couple hours, when I expect you,” She pointed at me, “to tell me all about school. Okay?”

“Yeah sure Mom. See ya later.” I called after her, Mikey and Frank saying similar things.
Frank dragged me over to the couch and Mikey sat on an opposite armchair.

“So how was school?”

two hours later…

“Sorry guys, I gotta go,” Mikey said, standing up, “Band practice.”

“Oh. Okay. Bye bye little brother.” I waved at him.

“Bye Mikey!” Frank called.

Mikey waved over his shoulder before slamming the front door shut behind him.

“Well…” I started. This was awkward. Frank and me had never really been alone together since we kissed at Christmas. I went back to college pretty soon after that and whenever I came home we were around other people aswell.

“Look, Gee,” Frank started, sounding serious, “If things are gunna be weird between us now I might as well just go. You’re my best friend, so lets just forget what happened, okay?” He made it seem like that’s what he wanted, but there was something in his eyes saying differently… or maybe that’s just my wishful thinking again.

“Um… yeah… sure.” I replied


“So, you want some coffee?”

Frank’s POV

After a couple of minutes of Gee being in the kitchen, I decided to follow him in there and watch him at work.

As I entered the kitchen, I had the biggest urge to just go over to him and kiss him. It’s so hard to fight… so overwhelming. He was singing a beautiful, low song –

Late dawns and early sunsets, just like my favorite scenes
Then holding hands and life was perfect, just like up on the screen
And the whole time while always giving
Counting your face among the living

Up and down escalators, pennies and colder fountains
Elevators and half price sales, trapped in by all these mountains
Running away and hiding with you
I never thought they'd

He suddenly spun round and looked at me. “Oh. Sorry… I… shouldn’t have been listening… but… that’s a really good song… you wrote it?”

“Yeah, I mean, its not finished yet or anything…”

“It’s incredible.” He blushed furiously “You have such a talent.”

“Well… not really…” He looked down.

“Yeah. You really do.” I walked over and pulled him into a hug.

“Seriously, it’s nothing”

“Gee,” I lifted his chin up to look at me, “You have an amazing talent. I would give anything to… to… to be able to sing like that…” I tried to cover up what I was really thinking, but not very well, because just as I said that, Gerard lowered his head to rest his forehead on mine.

“Thank… you…” he breathed, before slowly leaning in, closer… closer…

It felt like time stopped as his soft lips touched mine. So softly I was wondering if this moment that I had dreamed about so many times was actually happening – sorry for the cheesiness.

He started to pull back but I put my hands on the back of his head to stop him, linking my fingers through his long hair and pulling him closer, crashing his lips back onto mine.

For a second he didn’t respond, but then his lips started to work in time with mine. I slid my tongue across his lips and entered his mouth, a fight for dominance quickly starting. I let him win, happy to have his warm tongue exploring my mouth.

He moved his hands up and down my sides, pushing his hips into mine, resulting in low moans from both of us. I moved my hands from his hair to the sides of his face as he nibbled my lip. Just as -