My Angel.

Happiness And Handjobs

Frank’s POV

Oh my god… was he serious? He loves me?

Shit, he’s running. Don’t go Gerard! Wait… why can’t I speak? I tried to get up, but my body seemed glued to the fucking ground – I had to run after him!

He’s out of sight. Stupid body. But oh my god, he loves me. I can’t believe he loves me…

After a few more attempts I was finally able to stand up. I suddenly realised how goddamn cold it was out here. I don’t know why it’s cold, it’s June, but I guess that’s Jersey for you.

I went inside and upstairs, falling on my bed. I was too excited to fall asleep, a plan already forming in my mind…

Two hours later…

He should have gotten back from his run by now right?

I crept down the stairs and through the hallway, only making a few things crash along the way.

Stepping out into the night, it is confirmed for me that Jersey is a perverse country, because whereas last time I was out here it was cold enough to freeze your balls off, now it was warm and sticky – a thunderstorm on it’s way.

I snuck across the road and taking a deep breath, opened his front gate. I stepped inside, swinging the gate shut behind me. Checking there were no lights on in the house, I crept round the back of his house to where his small basement window was, as ever, open. Looking through, I could see the familiar disorganised mess that was his room. Even from outside the window, I could make out the CDs and clothes flung randomly on the floor, books falling off shelves, pillows and sheets on the floor around his bed. But his sketchbooks and pencils were clearly visible on his desk, perfectly neat and tidy, everything with a place. Sketches lined the wall in rows, and rubbers – he always had so many rubbers – were stacked neatly at the back of the desk.

And there he was, lying face down on the bed, with no cover over him, his shoes still on. Crying. That just made me fall in love with him a little bit more.

I climbed, so carefully, through the window, and landed on a small table with hundreds of CDs on it. Careful not to tread on anything, I climbed off the table and stepped gingerly over to him.

I watched him cry for a minute, then when I thought my heart couldn’t take anymore, I climbed in beside him.

Gerard’s POV

I felt the bed sink next to me and hot breath on my cheek.

I spun round, terrified, to see Frankie, lying in my bed with a shy smile on his face, eyes filled with emotion. He looked like an angel.

“I love you too.” He whispered softly in my ear.

Before I could reply, he started placing butterfly kisses on my cheek and jaw, making his way slowly to my mouth, where he pulled away and looked into my bloodshot eyes, then softly placed his lips against mine, in a kiss that confirmed his words.

He pulled away again, but I moved my head forward at the same time, meaning that our lips never lost contact. He opened his mouth gently and sighed into the kiss, making me giggle. The vibrations ran through both our mouths. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored the unfamiliar territory, massaging my tongue with his.

He bit down on my lip, making me moan deeply, as he pulled me even closer and moved his hands from my shoulders to the base of my back.

I bucked my hips up as he grabbed hold of my ass and deepened the kiss even further, tilting his body so he was on top of me. I quickly rolled us over though, so I was straddling him, never breaking the kiss, and pulled his t-shirt off, while he struggled with mine. Once the shirts were off, we kicked our shoes across the room and I set to work on un-doing his belt buckle.

I looked into his eyes for confirmation that it was okay to go on, and he nodded slightly.

Once his belt was finally off, I unbuttoned his increasingly tight jeans and pushed them down so they were resting at his ankles, where he wriggled out of them. I kissed along his jaw, moving down to his neck, sucking slightly as I moved down. He moaned loudly when I reached his collarbone and bit down on it gently.

He started to unbutton my jeans, which were getting more uncomfortable by the second, and pushed them off me, his hand moving dangerously close to my… problem…

He flipped us back over so he was on top again and kissed along my neck biting down. He continued kissing his way down my chest and stomach, sliding his body down along with his mouth.

He reached the waist band of my boxers and started to play with it, sliding his finger underneath the elastic.

He pulled his finger out and quickly moved up to kiss me, deliberately moving his crotch over my own.

“Frankie,” I begged, “Please just-”

I gasped and moaned at the same time as in one quick motion, he moved his cold hand into my boxers and grabbed my throbbing erection.

“You like that…?” He asked teasingly as he started to play with my tip. I tried to reply, but only a gasp of air came out of my mouth, so I nodded instead.

He giggled and ran his fingers the whole way up and down my length, slowly and annoyingly softly.

“Frankie… just…” I pleaded, but he ignored me, just stroking me. He smiled seductively at me. “Fucking te-” He grabbed my whole length in my hand before I could finish my sentence and started pumping fast from base to tip. He kissed me deeply and I moaned into his mouth. I slid my tongue into his mouth, biting down gently on his lip ring as we made out, his hand still doing its magic in my boxers. He moaned and sped up his pace even more, pulling slightly as he reached the end of my penis. He stroked my underside with his thumb and pumped my top half with his other four fingers.

I felt myself become dangerously close and bucked my hips up, making us both moan loudly. He gripped me even tighter and pumped at full speed. I kissed him one last time before screaming “Frankiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!” and cuming all over his hand.

He pulled his hand out of my boxers and wiped it on the sheet, smiling at me.

I kissed him softly on the lips, then rolled us over so we were lying side by side again. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer as he snuggled into my chest.

We fell asleep, exhausted.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't remember whether I'm supposed to be dedicating this to Lorna or Emilly, so I'll dedicate it to both of them.