My Angel.

In The Morning...

Frank’s POV

A boy walked into the cold white room, where two adults, a man and a woman, waited for him.

They heard him enter and turned menacingly as he looked around for an escape, terrified.

“It’s okay, we aren’t going to hurt you. Come over here,” The woman offered, opening her arms to him.

The boy sniffed “No. where’s mommy?” He looked up at the woman who had plastered a smile on her face.

“She’s gone away for a little while. We’re going to look after you until she comes back. Now come over here.” She opened her arms out to him and started to come closer.

“No!” He stepped backwards as they closed in on him, “I want my mommy!”

He continued to step backwards, until his back hit the wall. They closed him in. he was trapped.

“Now. I told you to come here now, didn’t I?” The woman asked sweetly.

My eyes shot open from the dream. I woke up to a bright light, cold air, a loud banging noise and a tangle of naked arms and legs. That managed to make up for the first three things.

I lifted my head slightly to see what was going on.

The first thing I noticed was Gerard’s sleeping body, one arm over my chest, leg under my thigh and beautiful face snuggled into my neck. I smiled and kissed his cheek, gently propping myself up on my elbows, trying not to wake Gee.

The light was, I established, coming from the window, the cold breeze due to the window still being wide open. The annoying noise was Mikey persistently banging on the door at the top of the stairs.

He was screaming alternately “GERARD!” and “MOM! Gerard won’t get up!”

I thought for a second about what I should do – whether to stay in bed with Gerard or get up and hide in his room somewhere, and about Mikey’s reaction if he did see us.

I decided to stay in bed for two reasons. 1. I couldn’t bring myself to leave Gee, and 2. Mikey knows how I feel about Gee, so he should just be happy for us. And besides, if he’s nosy enough to come into Gerard’s room, maybe he deserves to see our sex scene. Not that we had sex, but Mikey wouldn’t know that…

“GERARD!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, “GET THE FUCK OUT OF BED!”

Gee shot up into a sitting position, making me shiver at sudden loss of body heat. “What the…?” He trailed off sleepily, rubbing his eyes and trying to smooth off his morning hair.

I giggled. “Mikey. And leave your hair. It looks cute.”

He looked round at me, eyes shining and with a huge grin on his face. He lay down on top of me, practically smothering me in a hug.

“What?” I managed to half giggle half gasp, before my air supply got completely cut off.

“It wasn’t a dream…” He whispered and kissed me gently.

“OKAY GERARD! IM COMING IN!” shouted Mikey from the other side of the door, before it flew open and we heard steps on the stairs. “Whoah,” Mikey stopped moving, “Who are you suffocating Gee?” He asked, surprise evident in his voice.

Gerard lifted his head off me and I took in a big gulp of air.

“Fr…Frankie?” Mikey stated the obvious.

“Yeah. Frankie. Don’t he look pretty in the morning?” Gee wrapped his arms around me.

Gee’s POV

This is so perfect. Beautiful. Unbe-bloody-leivable.

I can’t believe I’m lying here with Frankie. I’m really not a morning person, but I wished this one would go on forever. I don’t care how cheesy that sounds, it’s true. Luckily, Mikey left pretty soon after noticing how little we actually have on, so now I have Frank to myself again.

“It’s cold Gee,” Frank whined, lying down.

“Well then. We’ll just have to warm you back up won’t we?” I smirked, leaning into him and running my hands over his sides, chest and narrow hips, softly kissing his neck.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” He sighed, pulling me closer – so close that our breath tangled together. “Kiss me?” He asked.

I dipped my head to his and we kissed a kiss of love for about ten minutes, just remembering each other from last night. We broke apart and snuggled together.

I pulled the cover around our still half naked bodies. He rested his head on my shoulder as I stroked his hair, happier than I had been in a very long time.

Mikey’s POV

Frank… In Gee’s bed…

For fuck’s sake, that took a long time.

If you thought I would be shocked, surprised, repulsed, you were sorely mistaken. Frank told me ages ago how he felt for my brother, and it was pretty obvious how Gee feels about Frankie.

But still. They could have been a bit more subtle about it. I mean, it isn’t the greatest morning when you wake up, late for school, get shouted at by your mother for being late, then stumbling in on your big brother’s porn scene.

I can’t even think about what they were doing…