Status: active

Walk on Water or Drown

New Again

Zack yawned as he leaned forward on his desk and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. Directly in front of him was a mop of shiny brown hair. So far he'd had three classes with Kane and had barley said a word to her. Jack and Alex had found her during lunch and invited her sit to sit with them, much to Kara's delight. Ryan and Kara had been steadily dating for the past few years, but every time Jack or Alex tried to introduce a new girl to the group, it never lasted very long. Usually after a few weeks, they either got bored, messed things up with their girls, or worse, started fighting over them. Zack was praying this didn't happen.

He glanced at the clock. There was five minutes left in the school day. Five minutes left to say something to her. He felt like that red head chick from Mean Girls sitting behind the guy in calculus. The one who ended up in jail. Or was that the blond one? Were there two blonds? Maybe she'd turn around and ask him what day it was or to borrow a pencil. He didn't get the chance to see though because she jumped out of her seat as soon as the bell rang. Zack sighed again and made a mental note to stop watching so many chick flicks.

Kane sat with one leg crossed on the lifeguard chair, a square and uncomfortable thing, next to the taller metal lifeguard stand. At her feet was her blue backpack and a red life saver, and on top of the stand was the first aid kit and chlorine testing kit.
Even though there was only one person in the pool, it was her first day alone at her new job and she was nervous. When she arrived for her shift, she saw that the lifeguard was putting away her laptop into her book bag. The girl stood up and walked past Kane, offering a brief "Have fun" over her shoulder before exiting the pool area.
It seemed to Kane that the lifeguards at Total Fitness didn't take their jobs too seriously, what with having to watch a nearly always empty pool that didn't even reach 5 feet deep. However, on her first day, Kane never took her eyes off the pool, let alone even think about doing the homework she had brought. Her mom had helped get her this job after becoming a member of the local gym and discovering they were in need of certified lifeguards.
After five hours, the next lifeguard came to relieve her. She sat up and uncrossed her legs when she saw him approaching. She knew he was the next lifeguard because he had an American Red Cross t-shirt on and was carrying a backpack. He nodded at her as he crossed the pool area.
"Hey there," he greeted her. "You're the new guard right? What's up, I'm Dylan." He extended his hand.
"Kane," she replied, shaking it.
"Cool. Well, see you around Kane." She nodded a goodbye, exiting the pool area through the girl's locker room just as another teen was leaving the boy's locker room.
Zack waved to Dylan at the lifeguard stand before lowing his goggles and jumping into the water. He swam a few laps, took a breather, then swam a few more. After his swim he climbed out of the pool and headed to the hot tub right next to the lifeguard stand.
"What's new man?" Zack asked from his seat in the relaxing jacuzzi.
"Nothing, except the cute new lifeguard," Dylan replied.
"Uh oh, has Kelly met her yet?"
"Probably, she was working earlier today so the girl probably relieved her."
"You better behave yourself bro, or she'll be on you like a hawk." Dylan laughed.
"I plan on it, I just thought I'd let you know so you can think of something to say the next time you come in here. We all know you have such a way with words." The lifeguard almost fell off his chair as he tried to dodge the steaming water Zack was flicking at him.
"Hey no splashing!"
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Just a filler :)