Based Upon Dreams of the Seemingly Impossible

Part 8 - Finale.

Gerard’s POV.

The bell rang ending our one day of teaching. When Frank came jumping on my bed with Bob this morning screeching we were going to be teaching today I was sure it would end up being a nightmare. Bratty kids who don’t co-operate. However I was proved to be wrong. Yes, there are some like that but there are also some really talented ones too.

I smiled warmly as Kalista and her two friends swooped round me and the band giving us hugs before leaving the now eerily quiet classroom. Even Frank being quiet for once. Scarily I silently came to the conclusion that we were all going to miss the few talented kids the school did offer.

After gathering all our shit we all made a silent trek to the van, parked in the teacher parking lot. I reached into my pocket for a smoke really craving one and instead of my usual box of cigarettes there lay a crumpled sheet of notebook paper. I plucked it out, expecting it to be a random note or schedule sheet from our record label but instead a page of scruffy looped handwriting, a little like my own greeted me, all etched in purple ink on the paper.

Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray and Bob.
You have no idea what it felt like today to walk into art and out supply teacher to be the man I have idolized ever since I first heard his voice. I can’t tell you how surreal that entire lesson was. Not once in my life did I think for a minute Gerard Way would be at my school, ever. And then the surprises kept on coming, Frank as our sub in English has to be the best lesson ever. Yes, Gerard I now know a lot of new things about you thanks to a very hyper Frank, and Bob I feel sorry for you for the whole Gerard thing.

But that’s not the point. Today has been the best of my life so far for one main reason; I got to meet the 5 people who helped me through so much. Giving me hope and confidence to stand up for what I believe in. I’m not the only one either, once you get through the chav problem here I bet there’s a decent number of people who actually have heard of you and what you have to say.

I also wanted to thank you, for the past, present and future, thank you for just being there and saying that it’s okay to be messed up, it’s ok to be different since you five are too and are proud to say it. Simply thank you, from the bottom of my black little heart for everything you have done, and are going to do. I can honestly say I have been saved by your band; in more ways than one. I’m proud to say I’m not perfect thanks to your band.

Because the way I see it everyone needs a saviour or five.

I read it a few times, the smile only increasing as I read the words on the paper, obviously from Kalista. Truth is she is an example of the reason we started this band, to save not only ourselves but other people.

I know not that this day hasn’t been wasted and the few hours we gave up from our lives to do this we have changed that girls life through our mere presence. It still amazes me how we do that, since we’re all still the same 5 guys we have always been. But it also makes us carry on, giving people hope and confidence.

People like Kalista and her friends are the real fucking point of all this.
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Eh, I think it's pretty shitty but I wanted to get the ending out.
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