Status: Check out this story tell me if i should continue with it or not......



It's not like were both staring at each other. Than why do I see perfect brown eyes. Woah rewind here.....wait you cant rewind a book or can you?I should start at the beginning not the end.So how does a story start..oh ya it starts with me. Alyson is my name. Brown eys which is usually compared to melting brownies and hair not straight and not that leads to our only choice "curly."I am short and small like a kitten.Hehheehe not really but some what like a kitten I am.So this is how my story begins...omg why do i always have to correct myself this is not my story,its our story. Wait again its "OUR LOVE STORY" and this is how it really begins.


Statistics show that many parents would want their kid happy but my parents aren't those type. As soon as they find a good opurtunity,its a sign of pack your bags were moving even if it means move to another house 30 minutes away. This doesn't mean only switch homes but school too which only leads to being the new girl,and that either turns out good or bad. For me, I dont really know but i know it can't be both. Of course I want it to be good, but nothing in my life turns out good, so why bother thinking different. The only thing that's ever going to stay the same through out every opportunity is "me."

Sitting on my bed 1st day of school, and why am i not getting ready. Oh, ya i remember I don't want to go to this new school. Everyone in my old school knows this is a bad school, but like everyone, everything should get a chance too. Maybe things will turn out different.I hope.

As I look outside to the kids running down to make it to school on time.I start to giggle and not to make fun of them or anything but because that was exactly me. Running to class just to make it on time. It was fun. I start to think back at my words and the only thing keeps coming to my mind "IT WAS." Its done, that so called fun is over.Just wish my life wasn't turning so crappy.

As I click on my iPod, the song changes to my favorite. I remember what I always use to say. Listening to love story in the morning will bound to make your day happy. I love Taylor Swift.

I hope I am right on my day being happy, cause so far its not.

I step out and wave goodbye to my father with a smile. A fake one, cause a real one can't show up. Wonder why. I touch the door handle to push but I can't. Its like the world stopped moving.
It's not like were both staring at each other. Than why do I see perfect brown eyes staring into mine? Why can't I look away from those "BROWN EYES."


Brown eyes, staring right at me.
My eyes suddenly open and the image disappears.
"Who was she," I whisper to myself. As I look at the clock I fall out of bed.
"Damn, late to school now," i say nervously.
I get pants and a shirt out, thats when my mom shouts to come eat breakfast. This is so no time to eat breakfast mother. Okay a clean blue shirt and pants, what am i missing....ohhh ya socks and shoes. As I make my way downstairs putting on my shoes, my mom yells saying to comb my hair, but again no time.

As I hear the bell ring, mainly cause I live like 2 minutes away from the school, I breathe cause I'm not late. I make it to the door but thats as far as I can go.

It's not like were both staring at each other. Than why do I see a smile so fake and brown eyes so depressed...why can't I look away from those "BROWN EYES."