Status: Being worked on!


Chapter 2

Leah, my twin, and her boyfriend, Ethan, were sitting on the couch when I walked into the door. They both looked at me and could obviously tell I was crying, since there was make-up smudged all over my face. Why was I even crying? I knew I was better than that.

"Syd..." I looked over and Leah, her face looked concerned.

I just shook my head and walked up the stairs. I got into our room, threw my bag on the ground, and plopped onto my bed. Tears started falling as I began thinking. Thinking about how I wasted two years on Tom.. he was no good for me.

I picked up my bag and took out my iPod. I put in my headphones and turned up the volume. I drained myself of all thoughts of him. Listening to music about things besides love, things more important.

Leah walked into the room, and I took out a headphone. "What?"

"What's wrong... you've been crying, I can tell. Ethan could tell. Something happened."

I didn't want to talk about it. I put my headphone back in and turned the volume up higher. She got aggravated by this and walked out.

"Something happened." Really? I couldn't tell. I also couldn't tell that it was so obvious I was crying. I'm not dumb, Leah. I know something happened.

The door opened again. "Leah, I clearly don't want to talk, go away."

The door continued to open, and I stared until a head popped through. I was shocked to see Ethan, and not Leah. "Hey, I understand you don't want to talk but you really should. The problem won't go away until you take out your anger."

"Sorry for the attitude. I thought you were Leah. And I'm not upset, or sad, or mad, or anything. Nothing's wrong, so there's nothing to talk about" I looked down, I was never a good liar.

"Listen," his voice was soft, "I know we don't know each other very well, but even I can tell something's wrong. And she's not gonna let me come down stairs until you talk about it. So either you speak up, or I'm stuck in here forever." He looked at me. He wasn't smiling, it was more of a half smile. But it was comforting in a way I couldn't describe.

"I.. well.. Tom broke up with me.." I said, looking down again. "It's not a big deal, really.. I mean, it was bound to happen eventually... It's just, I didn't think he'd be the one to leave me. Seeing as he was so desperate to get me back.."

He moved closer to me, placing his hand on my knee and looked in my eyes. "You don't need him, he's an ass. Trust me." He sighed. "I know it's tough to deal with break ups, but you'll get over it and find someone better suited for you."

I shrugged and looked at him "I guess so. I mean, I know I'll be fine, and I know I deserved better. But I just feel dumb for taking him back after all he put me through. But you can go downstairs now.. I know Leah's waiting for you." I said, faking a smile.

He nodded and got up. "Okay. But you really should talk to her more.. she feels left out." He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Woah.. what just happened? Why did I open up to him, when I've barely even had a conversation with him before. I never do stuff like that.. I never willingly open up to someone and trust them. Something about him just comforted me. The way he touched my knee? The way he didn't quite smile, so I knew it was real? I'm not sure, but I don't want anything else like that to happen again.. I can't go falling in love..