Status: In Progress

Here We Go Again

Chapter 10-Anxiety

The next day, I got up to my alarm playing one of my favorite Action Item songs and got ready for the day. I couldn't help but feel excited and a bit nervous to see Robbie again. After how smoothly things went yesterday, I wasn't sure what could happen next. I had a strong feeling, deep inside, that good things were going to happen but I had no idea when or what would happen. I just knew that this was going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, of a re-visited friendship.

It was almost time to go and I felt myself getting more nervous. I felt butterflies in my stomach, every time I thought of him, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, I was sweating, my hands were shaking, and I could feel my palms getting sweaty. It was 6:50, that meant ten minutes before I would head to my first class and an additional 15 minutes before class would begin. I was ready for whatever first period threw at me, but I had no idea how this was going to go. What if Robbie was going to ask me out? Nah, too early for that and he barely knows THIS version of me. Maybe he was going to tell me he had a girlfriend from back home? Nope, he said he never believed in long distance relationships. But then again, an hour distance isn't that much anyway. Maybe he was going to tell me that being friends again was a big mistake and he never wanted to speak to me again? I couldn't help but think of the worst possible conclusions about what would happen next. I tried to shake off the nervousness on my way to school, but couldn't.

It was 6:55 and my dad pulled into the gymnasium parking lot to drop me off. I had five minutes before I should leave for class, but I usually stay in the library until 7:05. I decided to take the short walk there and back, in order to kill some time before class started. I sat in the library for a few minutes and checked my email. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I was startled for a moment. Confused, I turned around to see who had tapped me. It was Ann, looking excited and more ready for the day than usual.

"What's got you so peppy in the morning? You're usually half asleep at this time." I said to her, with a confused expression.

"I had a little too much coffee today. But I feel great so it's no big deal! Are you ready for English class with Robbie? Ooooo!"

"Stop it, it's not like that. He barely knows me anymore and we still have some catching up to do. Eight years is a long time and it doesn't take one day to fill each other in. But, I feel nervous today and like something interesting is going to happen. I don't know what, but I'm really nervous for first period. Wow, that's a first."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it is great! There has to be something wonderful right around the corner! Have faith my friend!" Ann said with a reasurring grin.

"I think I like peppy Ann in the morning! Alright, it's 7:05 and we should head to class." I extended my arm to her and we walked arm in arm to first period.

Ann had her first period class on the same floor as me and even the same subject. We just had different teachers, but I knew she was right down the hall if anything big happened. Sometimes, we'd head to the bathroom to chat about any big news that happened in class.

The bell rang for 7:10 and I felt anxiety eating me up. My mind was jumping to the worst possible conclusions, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My thoughts were all over the place and my mind was out of control. Ann knew this version of me and she knew it was not pretty!

"Karissa, calm down! You're gonna be okay, everything is going to be fine and there is nothing to worry about!" She knew this wasn't helping and so she put on the only thing she could thing of to make me calm: My favorite Ed Sheeran song.

"I started tuning into the music, a process that helps to slow down my anxiety. I listened to the lyrics and the sounds of the instruments in the background. I could immediately feel myself calming down, and I was so grateful to have her as a friend.

We got to our classrooms and separated, I knew I was not ready to face first period, without her and mostly importantly, face Robbie.
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I realize I have not updated in forever, but I wanted to get back into the swing of things with this story and start writing again. I have some awesome ideas and would love to update more often, or at least whenever I have free time. Stick with me you guys! :) Thanks for reading