I Can See Angels

The other Elizabeth

And that brings me up to now. We've had a few dates since, and things are going pretty well.
Daniel still hates Frasier though.
I just got off the bus, and Daniel is with me, though technically Daniel is with me wherever I go, I just can't always see him.
''Listen, I need to warn you.'' He tells me.
''Look, I know what you think of Frasier...''
''This isn't about Frasier.''
''Oh, OK. So what is it?''
''You are going to have a visitor and they are in your room, waiting for you.''
''What kind of visitor? an Angel?'' My voice went up a pitch.
''No a spirit. Someone human who is dead.''
I started to freak out.
''And they're in my room?''
''It's OK.'' I felt reassurance wash over me as he touched my shoulder.
''Who are they?''
''You don't know them, although you are related.''
''It's your dad.''
''My dad is dead?''
''He died four minutes ago of a stroke.''
''Why does he want to see me now? he never saw me when he was living and he left my mother when he found out she was pregnant!''
''He wants to apologize.''
''I don't want to see him.''
''I know it is hard. But he's dead, and he will cross over soon.''

I try to stall as much as I can. I walk into the kitchen and start eating some Oreo's out of the packet. Then about ten minutes later, (and I know because I hear mum pull up in our driveway, back from work) Emily comes in and starts getting the ingredients out for baking brownies. She gives me a meaningful stare and I sigh.
Emily can't bake if other people are in the room, it annoys her.
I walk out of the kitchen and into the lounge, but mum and her friend Sylvia are talking and I know I'm not wanted in there either.
That leaves my room, the dining room and the bathroom.
''It's time.'' I recognize Daniel's voice.
I take a deep breath and walk past everyone. When I arrive at my room I take another deep breath and open the door.

He is sitting on my bed. He has my brown hair but a pair of hazel eyes I didn't inherit.
''Hello Elizabeth.''
''You must be Sam.'' I say it in a cool voice. He might be dead, but I'm not ready to forgive him yet.
''Call me dad.''
''I don't have a dad.'' I know it's cruel, but hey, he's only my dad by blood.
''Just because I'm dead doesn't mean...''
''It's not because you're dead. It's because you abandoned my pregnant mother, and never met me, your daughter. If that makes you a dad, then I don't know what doesn't.''
''I'm not proud of what I did...''
''You could have seen me.''
''I know. And I'm so sorry.''
''Have you told the woman you abandoned this?''
''Your mother can't see me.''
''You could still have tried. You could have whispered it into her ears or...''
''I'll do that now.''
''No, you're only doing it because I told you to. It has to mean something.''
''You wouldn't have Emily if I hadn't left.''
It's true, Emily has a different dad then me. Steven. It didn't work out with him and mum, but at least he has the decency to see his daughter on weekends.
''That doesn't change what you did.''
''I know, and I'm sorry.''
''What happened to you, after you left?''
''I became a bit of a mess. I had a gambling addiction but I got it sorted and married a lovely woman, Rose. We had two children, Frankie, and...Elizabeth.''
I got really pissed off at the last part. He gave his other kid my name? was he so deluded he felt like he was getting a second chance with me?
''Did you tell them? about me?''
This was his last chance. If he had risked everything with his family to let them know he had another daughter I might be able to forgive him.
''Then I can't forgive you. Leave.''
''Elizabeth please.'' He is crying now.
''You had your chance. Go.''
''Elizabeth, I love you and I really am sorry.'' He disappears. I start crying.

A few months have passed and I am standing exactly were I never thought I would be. His grave.
I told mum I was going to meet my friends. It's taken me two buses and a train to get here, but I am here.

I look at the grave.
In loving memory of Sam Walker, a father and husband.
A father to how many though? they all thought it was two.
''Three.'' I whisper.
A girl is walking towards me. When she reaches me I move aside, trying to let her pass, but it's dads grave she's walking to.
''You knew my dad?'' She speaks in a soft voice.
It's her. Elizabeth. The other Elizabeth. She's about thirteen, and has blonde hair and her dad's hazel eyes.
''I, I was an acquaintance.''
She doesn't seem to believe me.
''What's your name?'' She asks.
''Elizabeth.'' She freezes.
''That's my name.''
''Um, how was it you knew my dad again?''
''I was an acquaintance.''
''I didn't see you at the funeral.''
''I wasn't there.''
''Elizabeth! there you are!'' We both turn at the same time but it's for her. A middle aged woman is standing behind us.
''Mum, this is Elizabeth. She was a friend of dads.''
''I didn't know he had any teenage friends.'' Her eyes narrow and I realize she's taking this the wrong way.
''He used to be, friends...with my mum.''
''And what's her name?''
She freezes.
Daniel suddenly appears.
''Elsie, your father did tell them. When Elizabeth and Rose were sleeping last night they both had a dream which your father influenced. In Elizabeth's dream he told her he had a daughter called Elizabeth, and in Rose's he told her he had a child with a woman called Jenna.''
''Are you...Elsie?'' asks Rose.
''I see.''
''I have to go.'' I turn to leave.
''Wait.'' Rose looks at me.
''Never mind.''
''He loved you all, very much.'' I begin walking away, leaving them to figure out what they had just seen.
''Who was that?'' I look over my shoulder to see a boy, he must be Frankie. He looks just like dad.
I smile and keep walking, knowing I might just be able to forgive dad.