Status: Completed!

Haunted House

Haunted House

Title: Haunted House

Pairing/s: Draco/Harry.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, that belongs to a great writer: J. K. Rowling. I am doing this for my own pleasure, not for profit in any way, shape or form.

Warning/s: Um, fluffy-ness? Very short?

Chapter/s: One-shot.

Summery: After much begging, Harry finally gets Draco to do a Haunted House.

Prompt: Spooky

Author Note: I was surfing Live Journal when I came across this community which had the prompt Spooky. So I decided to give it a shot. Just one problem, I have no idea how to work LJ and I need to make a certain part of the text go to a different site. If anyone understood what hell I just said if you can help me, please do. Thank you!

- Jade

* * *

“Draco, I think it’s a bit too much.”

“You think so?”

“Yes, I do. I mean, are you sure that the snakes really necessary?”

“But Ha-rry, we have to keep the snakes, in honour of Slytherin.”

“But it’ll scare the children.”

“I thought that was the whole idea of a Haunted House.”

Harry sighed, “Yes, but we don’t want to give them nightmares for life.”

Draco scoffed, “Please. If I wanted to give them nightmares I would have gotten a Baggot. But someone,” at this Draco looked pointedly at Harry before continuing, “Said no.”

Harry shook his head at his boyfriend, “Well at least get rid of the spiders.”

Draco pouted but he knew he lost that round. So, heaving an exaggerated sigh, he pulled out his wand and Vanished the spiders and their webs that were.

“There. Happy?”

Harry smiled before placing a kiss on the blonds’ cheek, “Very.”

Draco humphed, but looked at their Haunted garden with pride. When Harry first suggested that they take part in this year Halloween Draco shuddered at the idea. But, really, who could resists scaring little children? So after much suggesting and asking, with a little begging, Harry finally got Draco to help him decorate the garden. And let’s just say, it looks spooky. With fake mist covering the floor that you couldn’t see ten steps ahead of you, snakes hanging in trees or slithering on the floor, bats flying in the air, carved pumpkins that make scaring sounds if you walk past them and ghosts that agreed to haunt their garden. If the kids could get through this to the front door, they will be rewarded with lots of candy. That is, if Draco doesn’t eat it all before then.

“Come, let’s go inside and wait for the kids to come,” said Harry, taking Draco’s hand in his.

Draco nodded, “Let’s go scare little children.” Excitement could be heard clearly in Draco’s voice.

Harry just shook his head in amusement, a small smile playing on his lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
And that is the end of a very short one-shot. Hope you liked it and please review!