Status: ongoing

I'll be waiting...

Chapter 2

"Merry Christmas...” he told me as he bids goodbye. He’d already drove me home and it’s already 6:15 p.m.
“Uh, yeah...” I responded. I wasn’t really aware of what’s happening or what had happened on our way here. I’m too busy just spacing out.
He stared at me again with a baffled face before regaining his post.
“I’m not going to spend my Christmas here, I’ll be leaving to New York to see my grandfather...” he was waiting for my reply but all I Could give him was...
“Uhm...sure.” still out of my senses.
He observes me blinking twice while crunching his eyebrows. He was puzzled, trying to get into me but can’t. Surrendering, he went down his car, opened the door for me to go down then planted a light kiss on my forehead.
“Keep safe.” He said before getting back into his shiny sleek silver volvo car then left.
It was when dinner lasted, that I came up to my room and laid my aching body on my bed from exhaustion in an X-position when I suddenly realized what Dylan just told me.
“I’m not going to spend my Christmas here...”
“...Leaving to New York to see my grandfather.”
“Keep safe.”
“Merry Christmas.” With that, I yanked from my bed, rummaged my bag for anything that looked like my phone hurriedly dialed his number to call him.
It was on the fifth ring when he finally hooked up on his phone.
“...” silence was on the other line.
“WHAT DID YOU JUST TOLD ME???” I almost shrieked.
How could I just absorb all of his blabbering just now? What kind of girlfriend am I ?
“Were you deaf or just not listening???” he sounded pissed.
“YOU’RE GOING TO NEW YORK??WHEN??WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME EARLIER???IS THIS WHAT YOU’RE HIDDING??TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!”I demanded with a pinch of being hysterical on my tone.
No one was answering. For awhile silence again reigned the other line.
“HELLO????” I said.
“...I’m hanging up.”
“WAI---“ he dropped the line.
I tried calling him again but now he wouldn’t pick up. The second time I dialed it was already out of reach. Why would he turn his phone off?
I then lied again on my bed with the same X- position as before. What is it he’s being mad about? Or why? If it’s only about him going to New York I wouldn’t really freak out but he should at least give me the full details. And it’s not that that I’m being worried about, its just that I forgot to give him his present which was supposed to be bequeathed to him on the 25th of December. Can he at least be sensitive about my feelings for a while and forget about his problem?
That night, I can’t stop but to cloud my mind with him. Earlier this day we were just enjoying ourselves but now, he suddenly turned into a cold blooded brute beast who wouldn’t care about everyone even his beloved princess. Leaving her restless, crying about his change of heart. Letting the tears wash away the pain, droving her to a deep slumber, hoping that the sun would shine upon them once again. Removing the curse which has been casted upon him, restoring the happy moments they’ve had together. I wish...