Status: ongoing

I'll be waiting...

Chapter 4

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re terminally ill?” I asked him as he was now resting in his bed already been discharge from the hospital.
His room was kind of big but cozy with a large bed at the middle of the room, a study table far beside it and a chair slid to the table, his laptop on the bedside table and a lampshade on the other bedside table. A big cabinet like on the wall… anyways…
“I told you it was over fatigue,” he explained for the 50th time, “ that’s why I fainted. And it’s not an illness or something near that word.” he towed away from me again. But I just wanted to know the real truth behind the truth.
“Then why did you fainted?” I asked again.
He deep sighed before facing me,” Were you not listening or---”
“I don’t believe that it’s over fatigue.” I finally told him, “it’s not like you’ve forgotten about sleeping or even resting for a while since all you have to do is study and nothing much else…”
“You have dozens of maids here so I don’t think----”
“…how can I make you believe me then?” he asked with surrender in his tone.
“the truth.” I bit my lower lip. I’m shaking again. I don’t know why.
Silence reigning over us. It made me sure that he’s hidding something from me. Maybe he’s in big trouble not wanting me to be in the circle yet again. But I’m not letting him do that, not anymore.
“I won’t let you set me aside again.” I looked straight into his startled with a bit shocked eyes, “Whatever your plan is I should be involved in it, I hate it when my prince always sacrifices his life for me….”
He raised his eyebrow as if in ridicule, grinned playfully sitting slowly on his bed.
“Prince?” he said menacingly, “Your prince?”
Oh no! He wasn’t ment to know that…
“Err…Uhm.. Y-yeah. Can’t you not be my prince? Y-you Are my boyfriend.” I stammered.
Again, that raised eyebrow-in ridicule-menacing grin expression of his.
“Whatever. You’re really something I can’t decipher at times.” he laughed with tears about to flow from the corner of his eyes.
I pouted and started to mimic a blowfish. Why? He’s making fun of me.
“Stop laughing! It’s not funny at all!” I said, “You should be happy that I’m already considering you as my prince you know.”
He still continued to laugh. I crossed my arms with a really irked face.
“Hahaha…!” still, laughing his belly out.
I stood from the bed and started to march to the door.
“I’ll give you some time to laugh everything you’ve got, till then maybe I can talk to you seriously.” I banged the door behind me, leaned on it then sighed.
‘Boys will be boys no matter how mature you think they are already…’
I stood there only for a while when his mom started to call me from the living room downstairs. I went down finding them like dead serious about something.
“Carol, please sit down…” Mrs. Reyes told me upon noticing me. I did what I was told and sat across them.
The couch was very comfy and soft, across it was a fireplace which is being lit every December evenings when the air is cold and chilly. Atop it was a big portrait which almost occupied the whole wall. It was a picture of their family. His mom and dad sat beside each other at the middle where five of them, his elder sis, elder brother, him and 2 of his youngest brothers at the back of their parents. Dylan looked cute with a slight smile, but still his face already indicated an aura of being cold.

“Have Dylan told you anything?” His mom asked me with serenity in her voice.
“Uhm…nothing.” I quire.
“Is he feeling well?” his Dad then was the one to ask me.
‘What kind of interrogation is this? haven’t the doctor from the hospital told them what his situation is before he got discharged?’
“Y-yes? He’s fine.” I stammered,” very fine indeed…”
“Have he told you about something concerning his health?” Mr. Reyes carried on.
“well, all he said was he just got over fatigue …” I told them matter-of-factly,” though, honestly, I’m not believing him. I think there’s something wrong with him.” I said. When I looked into their eyes, it was shot with much intensity.
I thought the clock’s ticks were growing louder. I’m confused. What’s the real deal here? What’s really happening to Dylan?