The Black Parade

Chapter 10


Frank shivered even though it was 83 degrees. Mikey was so close to finding out his…secret. He was scared shitless. At least Gerard would have understood. Gerard. His mind kept coming back to him. He missed him a lot. But it was hopeless.
The hospital hadn’t called in months. Frankie didn’t know what that meant, but he knew it wasn’t anything good.
The dark circles under his eyes were tell tale signs of his midnight adventures. If anyone in his fucking band could put 2 and 2 together…woah. Frankie wasn’t sure anymore. Did he WANT to get caught? No. He sighed and walked into his bunk. Then he changed direction and walked into Gerard’s.
Adam Lazzara had been replacing him, but no one allowed him to sleep in Gerard’s bunk. It was bad enough they even had continued touring. They would have stayed in Arizona and visited him, except for Ray wouldn’t go for it. He said that they shouldn’t have to suffer because of Gerard’s stupidity. After that little remark, Frankie beat Ray into a pulp and Ray had been apologetic and super nice ever since. But they had still continued touring.
Frankie picked up Gerard’s Xanax, took some, and fell asleep in his bed, where no one would look for him.

Frankie woke up to a bunch of people yelling his name. It must be set time. Maybe he would stay here. To hell with them. No one really cared anymore anyway. If it was just about the money and the fame now, then you could count him out.
Frankie sat up and leaned against the wall. He was hardly able to comprehend all of the thoughts that were going through his head. The term ‘felt like a lost schoolgirl’ would fit him well right now.
Suddenly the curtain moved and Mikey stepped into the bunk area. “I thought I’d find you here.” Mikey said, as he took a seat next to him.
“Yeah…” Frankie muttered, not at all in the mood for a conversation.
“Well, it’s almost set time…wanna come out of here with me and assure your bandmate’s that you didn’t run away?”
Frankie smiled weakly at Mikey’s attempt to brighten him up. But Mikey deserved to know how he really felt. “That’s just the thing Mikey…I think I’m going to quit My Chemical Romance.”
Shocked was not the right word for Mikey’s reaction. Astonished might be closer. “Why?!” Was all he was able to come up with in response.
“Well…it’s just…it’s not the same. Without Gerard it’s…empty.”
Mikey calmed down a little after listening to Frankie, and nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah, but I’m sure Gee will be here soon…knowing him.” Mikey replied.
“Yeah, but the hospital hasn’t even called to say how he’s doing. I can’t even believe we fucking left him in Arizona.” Frankie said, angrily.
Mikey scratched his head uneasily. “That’s the thing Frankie…according to the hospital…he’s missing.”
Instead of being shocked, appalled, or angry, like any normal person would be, Frankie started jumping for joy.
Mikey laughed. “Now if I could only knock some sense into our booking agent. I can’t believe we’re playing Vegas in the middle of the day.”
Frankie didn’t seem to care though, as he went out to the main section of the bus and started getting ready for the gig.