
Apartment 0

Silas didn’t live by the rules, as a rule.

Well, not other’s rules. In the six years he’s been out on his own, many a rule have been set for himself by himself to generally stay alive and relatively happy. Some of those rules no longer apply, like the no taking food from clients; or no longer apply in the same context as when they were first established, such as getting the money beforehand. But they were things that he at one point or another lived by and stayed alive by, so he thinks that he’s a pretty damn good rule maker. The thing is that he never really comes up with these rules until something terribly shitty has happened.

The latest rule is ‘no hooking up with tenants’. It’s one that he made after Tiffany, who could have just been a psycho bitch despite the fact that she lived at Alice Gardens and therefore knew where Silas lived and work and how to reach him at all hours of the day and call the number that he’d have to respond to as it was his job. Tiffany had to always be looking out her window or something, because the first time she saw another person leaving Silas’ apartment at midnight, she came running out building two in her night gown. She stopped just short of tackling Silas, but in his defense, he didn’t know that he and Tiffany were serious. Hell, he didn’t even know that they were dating, they just hooked up once or twice.

Silas liked the convenience that he could call her up at three in the morning and she’d be over in literally two minutes- that was until this night and all after. Silas started realizing how crazy she was after this, she started calling the emergency maintenance number six times a day with little trivial things for him to fix, she even just started breaking shit herself for him to fix. The worse being the time that she spray-painted a face on her wall, wrote ‘Silas’ under it and started beating the shit out of said wall with a hammer. It was a good thing she did though, because if she hadn’t, he probably wouldn’t have been able to lawfully evict her ass after she refused to leave. He made sure he wasn’t there for the late night eviction. Good thing too, because she threw a rock through his window as they moved her stuff out onto the lawn.

So, he can’t hold in a scowl from the time that Raina starts flirting with him at Saffron’s place and it stays there until he gets back. It could’ve also been the fact that he was half in charge of the rest of the little monsters, but mostly it was Raina. The thing is though, even if Raina wasn’t living at Alice Gardens, he wouldn’t hook up with her for many other reasons. The first being that she’s his dealers little sister and if he broke her heart, a skill he inadvertently excels at, he’d have to get a new dealer when he’s pretty fond of Dave or maybe his shit would be laced and he’d toke up and die.

“Note that the fact that Raina is only fifteen is not one of the ‘no go’ reasons,” he says into the phone as he picks at leftover Thai…or Mexican, or something on his couch.. Danny just groans.

See, he doesn’t freak out like Danny freaks out. Actually, he’s not one to freak out at all- fuck that anxiety shit. Silas is logical, if there’s something that’s causing him to be at unease then he rids himself of it, it’s simple. He’s over that self-destruction bullshit. Why cause himself trouble by constant second guessing and panicking? No, no, if there’s a problem, you’re obviously not doing something right. It’s what he does: he fixes things.

“Why don’t just get a therapist?” Silas asks, deadpan.

Some people are into that. Danny seems like one of those people. Silas doesn’t need some person thinking that they can change him or fix him or make him any better than he is now just because some damn degree says that they can legally go around charging a shitload to make hopeless fucks believe them. Silas knows that he’s not exactly a good person. He’s not the best… him. But he is him and he’s damn proud of that, shitty him or not. Danny, on the other hand, is a hopeless fuck. Well, not really, he’s okay- but Silas isn’t one of those degree slinging, clock watching –deeper meaning finding?- people. He groans just because he replays the conversation in his head and just can’t believe he’s having it. He’s all for helping Danny but for any longer of this he’s going to have to get a drink and a fresh pack of cigarettes.

“Because I’d get arrested!”

It’s not that Silas thinks been there, done that, so much as: is it seriously that big of a deal? For about the fiftieth time since Danny called him and started bitching. He’s not into Danny at all but someday soon he’s going to need to see his dick in order to truly believe that Danny is, in fact, not a chick.

“Well I don’t fucking care.”

Silas says this softly- as to not hurt girly Danny’s girly ass feelings and shit. Danny is kind of his friends, actually, scratch that- he doesn’t give a shit- Danny’s his boss.

But Danny just lets out this lovelorn sigh and says, “So have you asked Saffron out yet?”

Silas hangs up on him without a single thought. Or feeling, really, but Silas rarely has those. He abandons his leftovers and goes to take a shower. It’s not until the hot water is washing over him and swirling down the drain that he notices it’s pink because he must’ve gotten Hunter’s blood in his hair. He scrubs at it harshly and it maybe, maybe, it makes him feel something. It makes him want to cut it all off, for a second there- it’s already past his shoulders. But he just makes the water hotter.

Silas holds his head up and keeps his mouth closed like his life has been just a cake walk.