‹ Prequel: My Little Raspberry

Can You Say 'Awesomely'?

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He seemed too easily affected by the consequences of alcohol. He couldn’t understand why he felt the crappy way he did from just having one drink from the other night. Brendon rolled out of his bed and sat on the edge, resting his heavy head in his palms.

“Fucking liquor,” he whispered to himself. Knowing he was going to be on a shitty mood all day, he also knew that everything was going to suck. Doing as he did every morning, he reached for his cell phone to check for new messages. There were none, which surprised him a little, since people always tried to reach him in the morning, whether it was about business or plans for the day.

The Beatles-song started to play, which made him happy. Someone wanted to deal with him today.

“You never came back, asshole,” he heard Gwen say on the other end, sounding slightly annoyed.

“Did you expect me to after my outbreak? I mean, I was starting to turn a little bit violent.”

“You’ll always be peaceful like a bear.”

“Bears can be pretty violent.”

“A teddybear, Brendon, get my point. What are you up to today?”

“I wasn’t thinking of anything.”

“Come down with me to Benny’s then. He said he wanted to talk to me about something, and then I thought we just might chill.”

“Y’know, I don’t really know how thrilled Fred’s going to be about seeing me…”

“What have you done now?”

“I found out the hard way that he’s started to close earlier on weekdays, because of his children.”

“Oh, maybe I should’ve told you. Anyhow, Fred won’t be mad at you. He wasn’t when you crashed all the mirrors in the ladies bathroom by accident.”

“That’s because I sang him a love-serenade to make him forgive me. You should’ve seen’im. He had tears coming from his eyes.”

“I was there. He was so touched he couldn’t focus the whole evening. He only had this dreamy look upon his face, and I had to serve his customers. But what do you say? Are you coming with me?”

“You’ll protect me if the fan girls attack?”

“Why would I be your superwoman otherwise?”

“Thanks, cupcake.”

“I’ll see you in ten?”

“Are you on your way over right now?”

“Yup, bye bye.”

She hung up before he had the time to answer. Ten minutes would never do it for him. By the time she got there he would most probably be in the shower or something. He ruffled his hair slightly, as you would do if you’d just awoken. It was time to get rolling.

Brendon Urie always took his time. He always had to think about everything, especially when it came to the clothes of the day. Some would say that he was very feminine, which… was exactly was he was. He finally managed to pick out an outfit for the day and decided to head for the shower.

As he had guessed, Gwen stomped into his apartment while he was enjoying the hot water against his skin. He sighed and turned the water off.

“I’m in the shower,” he yelled and turned the water back on.

“Is that an invitation?” Gwen called out from outside the door. He knew he had left it unlocked for some weird reason.

“Why the hell not? Just come on in, and we can have hot, wet sex in my shower and then live the rest of our life with a ruined friendship, but a story to tell all our friends.”

“Y’know, you started out pretty good, but then you just failed the comeback miserably. Are you feeling well today?”

“I’m feeling cranky, but I’ll be out in like five minutes or so, so hold on.”

He managed, he managed to get out and dress, do his hair and all of the other shit, in precisely give minutes. Gwen looked impressed when he did his spectacular entrance, which was not that spectacular at all.

“Let’s just get out of this apartment.” He dragged her along throughout the outer door and down on the street. His cell phone then had the unbelievable timing of starting to ring. Brendon sighed and answered. He stared wide open and then looked at Gwen. She just got confused by his expressions.

No one said a thing on the other end, he just heard that same rasping breath as yesterday, but now it just went over and over again, and louder and louder. Someone started to laugh, hysterically.

“We’re coming for you.”