Status: Very short!

How You Became My Life


Juliet was a simple girl. She was the average frontwoman of an alternative band; fighting male opposition and wanting to make it on the radio one day, like Paramore. Fortunately, Automatic Loveletter already had a pretty large fanbase and growing thanks a couple years of Warped under their belts. Unfortunately, they were kind of overshadowed this year by the addition of Paramore halfway through the summer and the few stops VersaEmerge was playing in the Florida portion of tour.

Juliet made it work though. She was already fast friends with Sierra from 2010 Warped Tour; two beautiful female singers from Florida? Of course they'd be friends, especially on a tour where females were the 1%.

"hey, you @ the tampa show yet??" Juliet tweeted to @SierraVE. For the past few days, Sierra wasn't really reaching out the welcoming hand to Juliet despite them not seeing each other for a good 6 months. She never really was like that so why did Juliet expect a grand reunion?

"yup girl catch me at the fbr tent!" came the reply, about twenty minutes later. This also has been happening; she would reply a good hour to a week later. It wasn't anything to be concerned about though. Juliet did the same thing when she was recording or when touring got jam packed.

Juliet quickly undid her suitcase and dressed, making sure her cream crop top situated right and her tooth charm, a small gift from Sierra when they parted, was still stuck to a Warped-made dread. After shouting a rushed goodbye to her bandmates, she dashed off the bus to the field the stages were set up in. Everything was still getting set up; tents strewn over their designated plots, merch still in tubs, Trojan's tunnel slowly being filled with air, etc. The Fueled By Ramen tent would be easy to find amongst the deflated tent rows.

"Dude, I missed you! Versa shows just don't seem the same without all the kids in war paint." Sierra giggled, helping the FBR merch interns with unloading all the newly made shirts. 'God, that was fast,' Juliet thought. 'I know that giggle anywhere.'

"I miss the Black Veil Brides shows with all the little hipsters flickin' me off then asking for pictures."

Juliet wheeled. Andy Biersack, the frontman of Black Veil Brides, was sitting beside the younger female. It was certainly a sight to see and he was definitely the last person to see with Sierra.

Juliet jogged to the two. "Hey, Klusterfuck!"

The girl in mention turned around and Juliet stared in shock. Besides the unfair advantage of being on tour for a good month and a half now, Sierra looked a lot more refined in fashion tastes since 2010 when all she would wear was sweat-stained shirts she wore three days in a row. Dressed in darkly, save for a bear hat with paws attached, she wore a simple draped tank top, tight black jeans, and knee-high russet colored boots. Her make-up was not smudged nor overdone. Her hair was combed, obviously washed within the last few days too, with the undercut side done cleanly.

Of course, this was all a dramatization of what she really looked like. If anything, Juliet was a bit more clean cut. Blonde locks lay haphazardly around her Warped-tanned face, topped with a stylish fedora. Juliet also counted her blessing with her figure; she was fairly taller than the 5"2' Floridian (more closely to the height of their black-haired male counterpart who was assisting Sierra with displaying the new Paramore shirts, coincidentally) and had the figure of a model.

"Hey! I didn't think you'd get out here this early for little ol' me." Sierra smiled, a bit crookedly, but gave Juliet a hug regardless. "How's Warped life treatin' ya?"

"Pretty good, so fuckin' tired though. I miss touring with y'all."

"Dude, me too. It's hard being the only girl on tour without you. Andy here acted as a good substitute on the AP tour but it wasn't the same." She playfully jabbed the boy, who snorted back in similarly playful indignance. "We gotta catch up later today. When do you play?"

"Um, around 3 I think at the Advent stage?"

Sierra grinned. "Guess we'll be playing around the same time. We're playing just a small acoustic show so I'll definitely try to catch some ALL."

Sierra lugged another large tub filled with the rest of FBR's merch. Despite her petite figure, she was easily the strongest girl on tour this year (if IWABO didn't play All Stars this year, she'd be second).

"Need anymore help?" Juliet asked.

All she received was a little shrug and a loud resounding 'thump' as the tub was dropped before one of the interns. "Nah, I was only supposed to help a bit. Blake's coming here in a bit to pick me up. I'll catch you a bit later though."

"Mind if I walk you back?" Andy asked.

Another little shrug, crooked smile, and a wave towards Juliet then they were gone.

'Was that being blown off?'


She didn't show up to Automatic Loveletter's set (a fault to be blamed on the fans, not that Sierra blamed them). She didn't show up to their set the next day either (fans and Fueled By Ramen signed them up for a signing in addition to their set). However, she did show up to their last show they had in Florida; the last day VersaEmerge was with Warped. At least they hung out a bit too along with the other girls on tour.

Though most of Sierra's time was spent roaming everywhere and meeting with everyone, there always was a common factor(or person) in her excursions.


They were dating; Juliet and Andy that is. It happened after Sierra stayed back in Florida to finish the upcoming new VersaEmerge LP and when Sierra just began to ignore her. She never received back any texts, any tweets, any DMs, and not even a poke back on Facebook (recording an album is time consuming work, if you didn't know).

Even when she wasn't around the little trollop (Juliet was bitter, could you tell?) she was still getting compared to her. Just because Juliet shaved one side of her head, doesn't mean she's like Sierra. Just because Juliet also wore similar hair accessories, doesn't mean she's like Sierra. Just because Juliet is a frontwoman and wears face paint, doesn't mean she's like Sierra. She is NOT at all like Sierra Kusterbeck.

"What's wrong, my Alice?"

She also didn't insist on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland nicknames with Andy because Sierra just so happened love those books (and wrote a couple songs about them).

Juliet sighed. "Nothing. Nothing at all, White Rabbit."

'At least I have this comfort. Sierra never physically had Andy like I do.'

"Andy," she began, heart covered with ice from just the thought of saying, "did you ever have a relationship on tour?"

"There's been a couple. The only other girl I was seriously committed to kept me from having more. Why do you ask?" Andy asked gently.

"No reason," she gave a smile and snuggled back in his side, seemingly comforted by his confession.


Sierra had called him her personal wolf. He had always been away from the others on tour which was a similar quality they share. She felt lonely and he felt lonesome.

Juliet had to go through a bit of scouring through old AP Spring Tour videos on Youtube and some light questioning of the other opening bands on that tour. The frontman of I See Stars gave the most information, saying that the two were inseparable but it was always hidden. He even claimed they had some sort of fling.

Despite Juliet's blind anger from this one (possibly inaccurate; Devin was always a stickler for drama) account, she couldn't help but laugh. She imagined the two of them kissing, confiding in each other, and even intimately embraced. Not only was Sierra about half Andy's size but she was probably thicker than the boy. 'But she is his age.'

Unfortunately, a couple weeks later, Juliet had found out all of this was to be true. She had texted Matt Good of D.R.U.G.S., who was also on the accursed tour and Andy's best friend besides his band, and he had given her the confirmation and then some. They were very briefly intertwined those few days in Florida before Sierra acquitted the fling once and for all.

'Just because I got Sierra's sloppy seconds, doesn't mean I'm like Sierra.'


Juliet had flipped out on a couple of Automatic Loveletter fans when she found them sporting VersaEmerge shirts and Sierra's signature hair feathers then had the audacity to ask her for a picture. The girls left in a fit of tears, heartbroken that their second favorite female role model had lost her cool with them.

She began to distance herself slowly from Andy, who took no notice (she had blamed their distance from each other for this). She had also took the time to unfollow Sierra on Andy's twitter account and delete her from his contacts. She wanted no more contact between them, she wanted no more contact between herself and that 'garbage skank'.

'I am not like Sierra' she thought, looking at the grocery bags of her 'old style' clothes.

"I am my own person." She said as the dark brown hair dye was worked through her blonde hair strands.


'He is mine. Physically and emotionally.' She thought. Andy was back home with a shattered nose, which was tenderly being nursed to.

"Juliet," he breathed.


LP number two was well on it's way to being finished. Both parties of VersaEmerge (plus a bright-haired Charla) agreed that this was their best of works. It would the most space-like and dreamy contemporary CD of it's time.

"Hey, Sierra," Charla chirped, pointing lazily towards the door of Starbucks. "isn't that Juliet?"

Sierra perked up from her white chocolate mocha at the mention of that name. She hadn't heard from Juliet in a while, the last being a day after the last show of Warped in Florida. It was hard to pick out the girl in the crowd of deadbeat hipsters, mainly because Juliet had traded in her blonde waves for raw sienna tresses.

"Juliet!" Sierra yelled.

Said person turned, and froze in shock, though the feeling never showed on her face. She pulled a happily surprised mask on while tugging her darling boyfriend from the growing line for gloating reasons. Andy shot her a questioning look('these beardcore assholes will take forever if we don't get our tea now,' he thought) before breaking into a smile and hello to the quirky ladies.

"Hi Charla and Sierra! I haven't seen or heard from you guys in a while." Juliet made sure to spread the poisonous sweet tone on thick while clutching Andy's arm a tad tighter.

Charla, the poor girl, was oblivious. "How've you been? Who's this? Did you get your present yet?"

"I've been pretty good," Juliet started, pulling Andy's arm around her. "thanks to him. This is Andy, my boyfriend." (Was that malice laced in with such a loving word?)

"Aww, congrats!" Sierra smiled. "I knew you'd guys would get along. Sometimes I feel like we're such similar people; whenever I see you we always match."

Sierra was wearing a fancy black hoodie with black shorts, tights, and scuffed boots. Juliet was wearing a black long-sleeved dress, tights, and frighteningly similar boots.

'Just because we dress similar, doesn't mean I'm like Sierra.'


'If anything, Sierra is like me. I am older and my band has had more notice since the beginning. She's just copying off of me.' Juliet pushed those thoughts away as she pushed through the mall, her usual arm candy tagging with her.

"Can we quick go into Payless? I heard from a friend that there's this sweet pair of boots." Juliet lightly pleaded, all the while pulling a (rather misplaced) 'cute' pout.

Andy shrugged. "Sure, babe."

She had enough courtesy to leave Andy outside of the store; his type of shoe style wasn't at all cheap nor in style in the men's section. Third row from the door were where the women's boots were being displayed for the fall/winter season. The two actual winter boots weren't all that cute ('what the hell, Jess?') but the fall boots were definitely more up her path. They were labeled as part of the Brash line, an apparently new line of shoes designed for Payless.

The isle for brash was just a row down from where the boot were displayed, fronted by a pair of saucy blue pumps and light brown Oxford's. However, the sign is what really caught Juliet's attention.

There, in the corner of the promotional poster, was a photo of Sierra. The designer of Brash. The designer of the cute fall boots. The girl Juliet hates with all her might, the one who has her own fucking shoe line and the life Juliet has coveted since Automatic Loveletter.

"Hey, Sierra made those? Cute."
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Whoa, hi Mibba. Sure haven't posted something in a while...