Status: writing a story is like putting on paper the things you ultimately fantasize or what you want to happen :]

Together Under Our Roof

Misty is a young high school girl. she was abandoned by her parents and has been forced to live on her own at the age of fifteen, after turning sixteen, she was eventually alone with no contact with her parents and living in a crappy apartment, fending for herself. One day her llife is turned upsidedown after she meets a young 25 year old man who she found in the most unlikely place. after all of the misunderstandings and confusions, Misty must learn to trust and live with this one man without revealing too much of herself and michael has to remember why he must never touch Misty.
  1. The Beginning
    she's going through life as she has for years
  2. What in the World Just Happened?
    What this surprise brought into her new life
  3. This is Bad
    a small twist in the story
  4. What did I Do!?
    Misty is being distant from Michael
  5. Oh no...
    is this the end of their relationship?
  6. Where!?! Why!?!
    what happens after Michael harms Misty?
  7. New Roommates
    there first day together
  8. Saturday Hots
  9. Dinner Night
    they learn alittle more about each other
  10. Tickle Attack!
  11. Breakfast
  12. Please Don't Leave Me
  13. Goodnight for Now
  14. Swirls
  15. What the Hell Happened?
  16. Loyalty and a Knife
  17. Dinner is Served
  18. Hurry and Scurry
  19. Are you Awake?
  20. The Escape
  21. Smile
  22. Scarred
  23. Shut up!