I Do and You Do Too.

***ing Marry Me

Me and Tori were meeting Kyle and Jonathan at the park. That’s all I knew. Of course, going to the park was a complicated process since Tori and Jonathan welcomed Maddixx and Noah. The 4 month old twins had a lot of crap we had to take with us. Two diaper bags, changes of clothes, strollers, formula, toys, shoes, blankets, pacifiers. So we were running about an hour late. We finally left, me pushing Noah’s stroller and Tori pushing Maddixx. Since our houses were only about 10 minutes from the park.. Finally we got there and Jonathan ran to take Noah from me. I ran over to Kyle who quickly hugged me. He was acting funny, that was for sure. Tori and Jonathan had decided to walk the trail with the babies, giving me and Kyle a chance to talk.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothin’” he said.

“Kyle. I’m not stupid. Something’s wrong” the words came out harsher than I planned. We’d been fighting a lot more since Tori and Jonathan’s wedding a few months ago.

"Fuck Catt!" Kyle screamed. "We fight non-stop, we're not healthy for each other but I can't fucking lose you. We're like fire and gasoline. But I fucking love you more every day."

"What are you getting at?" I whispered.

"Fucking marry me?" he said, dropping down on his knees. I walked over to him and got down on my knees.

“Are you sure you want to deal with me and my messed up family forever?” I said. He started laughing.

“Catherine Paige, if I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t have asked you that. Now answer my fuck question” he said.

“Yes Kyle. I’ll marry you” I said and pressed a kiss to his lips.

I ran my hands over my dress nervously. Today I was becoming Mrs. Kyle William Burns and I was nervous as fuck. I looked over at Tori to see her fixing now two year old Maddixx’s bow in her hair and then standing up and fixing her own dress. She looked amazing, for 5 months pregnant. Noah was in the other room with Jonathan and Kyle.

“I feel like I’m going to puke” I said.

“You’re going to be fine, Catherine. You’re going to out there and get married to the man of your dreams and in 8 months, you’re going to welcome your little bundle of joy and you’re going to live happily ever after” she said. “But first, you know. Tell Kyle about that last statement” I giggled and smacked her arm.

“That’s abuse of elders” she said.

“Pft.” I started to laugh again. Finally, I stood watching Maddixx and Noah walk to Jonathan and Kyle and then Tori after them. I couldn’t help but notice Kyle was getting teary eyed while watching me walk down the aisle.

“You look beautiful” he whispered, taking my hand. We turned our attention the minister who said a few opening words before letting Kyle speak.

“Catt, you’re amazing. I know you probably don’t believe me. We are exact opposites. We’re like fire and gasoline. I'm no good for you. You're no good for me. But I love you even more every day. So I guess we have to be doing something right.” Kyle said.

“Okay. Do you, Kyle, take Catt to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the minister asked him.

“I do.” Kyle said.

“And do you, Catt, take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband?” he asked me.

“I do” I said.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He said, pausing. “And Kyle, you can now kiss your bride”. Kyle kissed me making Tori and Jonathan start clapping.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you Mr. and Mrs. Kyle William Burns.” The minister said. Kyle led me out of the church and to the reception.