Phoenix Arising

Count 'Em One, Two, Three

When the car turned to the hotel, Novri wished she couldn’t met some freaks who will asked her to partying. Her wishes came true. No one greets her. So, she went to receptionist to get her room key.

She walked to her room but suddenly, a tall brown-hair guy and blasted with headset almost collided her. They both were surprised. Their iPod fell at the same time. They knelt, picked their own iPod. But when Novri saw his eyes, Novri felt something different from that boy. She never seen that gorgeous eyes for the rest of her life – that hazel eyes, spreading love in every blinks..

“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I’m in hurried..”

“Umm yeah,” Novri realized that she stoned to see his eyes. She picked her iPod awkwardly. “I’m sorry too.”

That guy picked his own iPod. He smiled quickly, stood, and left Novri away. Novri rolled her eyes, she really annoyed with that guy. She stood and walked back to her room.
