Phoenix Arising

Into Your Arms

The Maine performed 12 songs and their last song was Into Your Arms. Novri felt so excited because she really loves that song! She really enjoyed the song. She closed her eyes and felt the music walked in her feet, ears, and hearts.

But suddenly, someone poked her.

Novri opened her eyes quickly and caught CDrew still stood next to her. Is CDrew poked her? CDrew eyes stared at the stage. Novri followed his eyes and caught someone with gorgeous eyes, brown hair, tall was rise his hand, gave microphone to Novri. “Sing with me in this part” he said slowly.

Suddenly, Novri felt like someone took over her body. She took the microphone from his hand went to the stage.

She sang the refrain part :

I’m falling in love

When Novri sang and looked at his eyes, she felt she ever seen those gorgeous hazel eyes. But where? People start admired them.

When we were in love
Things were better than they are
Let me back into..
Into your arms
Into your arms

They both got standing ovation. People gave them super fantastic applause. Best duet ever in Arizona!
