Sequel: Artificial Smile.
Status: Complete.

Shouting Under My Breath.

I want to write a song that makes you smile


She threw clothes around her room trying to figure out what to wear. She wanted to be wearing the perfect outfit. She had to look perfect for him.

She pulled on her over sized black sweater and a pair of thigh high black socks. She decided she was just going to wear that and her underwear, she couldn’t find anything she liked to go with it.

She walked into the living room and turned on Gossip Girl and decided to wait for him to show up.

About twenty minutes into Gossip Girl she was sound asleep on the couch curled up in a ball.

He opened the door with a smile on his face. This was his first time coming home from tour that he was going to have Sparrow waiting for him.

He walked right pasted Sparrow not seeing her lying on the couch. He walked into their bedroom excepting to find her as he laid down his bags. He had a confused look on his face when he didn’t see her in his room.

“Sparrow?” He said wondering where she could be.

He walked into the living room where he found her sleeping on the couch. He smiled at how beautiful she looked as she slept and the fact that she was all his.

He turned the TV off and picked her up bridal style and carried her to their room. “You’re home.” She whispered as she slowly opened her eyes.

“I am.” He smiled before pressing his lips to her forehead.

“I missed you.” She said as he sat her down on the bed.

“Words can’t describe how much I’ve missed you.” He smiled.

“That’s really sweet.”

“I like your knickers.” He said pulling his shirt off.

“I’m glad you do.” She laughed as she pulled her sweater.

“Well someone eager.” He laughed.

“You took your shirt off first.” She said defensively.

“I planned on taking a nap with you, but if you want to take your clothes off I like that idea as well.” He chuckled as he unbuttoned his pants.

“Do you want to have sex with your hand or me?” She asked taking her socks off.

“I prefer if it’s with you since I haven’t seen you in over a month.” He laughed.

“Then you better be nice.” She laughed before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you.

“Anything you say.” He said before pressing his lips to hers. Their lips moved in sync as Dan reached around her back and unclasped her bra. “Smooth Flint.” She said as he started to kiss her jaw.

“I’m glad you think so.” He said in between kisses.

“I hope you don’t plane on wearing your cute little outfit you’re wearing outside when we go out to dinner with the lads.” He said in between kisses.

“I guess I’ll cover up it’s a tad colder in England then it is in California.” She laughed.

As they continued to kiss Sparrow messed with the waistband of Dan’s boxers. “Next time you’re going to come visit me for some point of the tour.” He said before pressing his lips to her collarbone.

“Ok.” She moaned.

The rest of there clothes came off and they laid tangled in each others arms. They stared into each others eyes smiling. “I have to say I enjoy us living together.” He said rubbing his thumb over her cheek. “I enjoy it too.” She said smiling.

“We need to get up and dressed I promised the lads we would meet them at the pub.” He said sitting up.

“You just had to ruin the moment.” She laughed sitting up.

“Sorry love.” He reached down picking up his boxers.

“Only you would make plans to go out with the guys when you could be spending the rest the night in bed with me.” She laughed grabbing her underwear.


They both got dressed and walked to the pub where they were meeting the guy. The walked inside and they both took off there winter coats as Max came up to them. “Sparrow love I missed you.” He said pulling her into a bear hug.

“I missed you too Max.” She said as he started to spin them around.

“Max put her down.” Dan said.

“What ever you say mate.” He said sitting down her down.

“Thanks.” Dan said lacing his fingers with Sparrow’s

Them and Max walked over to the table where the rest of the guys were sitting with their beers talking about something.

“Hey guys.” She said smiling as she sat down next to Matt.

“Ello love.” Josh said giving her a grin.

“How was the tour?” She asked as Dan handed her a rum and coke.

“It was a great time when Dan wasn’t complaining about how much he missed you.” Josh said laughing.

“Dan did you miss me?” She turned to him giving him a smile.

“He sure did.” Max jumped in.

“We all agree Sparrow you have to come visit us next time we’re on tour.” Chris said before taking a drink of his beer.

Through out the night the boys exchanged stories from the tour cause laughter to erupt from everyone on multiple occasions.

“Is that what happens every time you come home from tour?” She asked as she got dressed for bed.

“Probably love.”

“Dan are you just using your same suitcase from your tour for when we leave tomorrow?” Sparrow asked before rolling her suitcase into the living room.

“Am I allowed to, because I rather not pack another suitcase?” He asked following right behind her.

“Yeah I don’t see why not.” She said smiling.

“How long are we going to be at your parent’s house?” He asked as they both walked into their bedroom.

“We’re staying a week. Logan gets married in three day.”

“Another American wedding with you.” He said wrapping his arms around her waist.

“I don’t know about you Dan Flint, but I had a blast at the other one with you?” She said with her lips an inch away from his.

“It was a proper good time.” He said before pressing his lips to hers.


After a very long airplane ride Dan and Sparrow arrived and LAX. They walked to the baggage claim area to find Logan and Alice waiting with huge smiles on their faces.

“Logan and Alice.” Sparrow said as she pretty much ran to both of them.

“I missed you little sis.” Logan said pulling into a bear hug.

“I missed you too.”

“Hello Dan.” Alice said as he pulled her into a hug.

“Hi Alice.”

“Have you been looking after my sister?” Logan asked as Alice and Sparrow hugged.

“Yes he has.” Sparrow said lacing her fingers with Dan’s.

“That’s good because I wouldn’t want to have to kill you if something happened to her.” Logan said trying to hold a straight face, but he cracked and gave Dan a smile.

“Believe me I will not let anything happen to her.”

“That’s good.”

“Let’s get out of this airport already.” Alice said.

When they arrived at Logan and Sparrow’s parent’s house their parents were delighted to see for the first time in a long time.

“Sparrow take Dan upstairs and show him where you guys will be sleeping.” Her mom said as she made some ice tea for everyone.

“Okay mom.” She smiled. “Follow me Dan.” She said grabbing his hand.

“Should I be scared?” He laughed.

“Only if you want to be.”

They walked up the stairs silently. Dan looked around taking in the picture sporadically on the wall of Sparrow and Logan as kids.

“You were a cute little kid.” He said pointing to a picture of her with her hair in pigtails.

“Thank you.”

“So is this the room you grew up in?” Dan asked as they walked into a room with light blue walls.

“Sure is.” She said as she walked over and sat on her full size bed.

“I can’t believe your parents are fine with us sharing a room.” Dan said sitting down next to her.

“I know I’m kinda shocked too.”

“Sparrow I never got to thank you for moving to Surrey with me.” Dan said looking into her bright blue eye.

“I did it because I didn’t want to lose you again.”

“Sparrow if I have it my way I won’t ever lose you again.” Dan said smiling before pressing his lips lightly to Sparrow’s.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” He whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title and picture lyrics from Little Bit Of Truth.
Well here is the end of Dan and Sparrow. 32,560 words and 21 chapters it over. I honestly don't think I could be more happy with how this story turned out. I started writing this story think no one would read it, and it really was just for myself, and then people started reading it and commenting. I am sad this story is over, but you don't have to worry, I am no where near done writing Dan Flint stories. I'm sorry if you are not happy with the ending, but I don't think I could have ended it any other way without making it cheesy.
* The first chapter of Behind Those Lies is already posted. That story is going to involve pretty much everyone in You Me At Six.
* Want to thank BUSTANUT, astheonlybirdsings, xoxo_aj_xoxo, Laggg, TheHider, dzsinidzsoni, Underdog425, As Above_So Below, Snapback-Princess, ahoyylaneyy;, Mr Reckless., Pat Kirch., and saveredheads for commenting. All your guys comments always made me feel like people actually had an interest in this story.
*If you haven't ever commented before, I would love if commented now letting me know what you thought of the story.