Status: Something New



“You’re going to your dads.” I looked up at my mom and my mouth open and shut similar to that of a fish out of water.

What could I say to that? I didn’t know my father. Up until this second I thought he was non-existent; yet here I was listening to her tell me I’m leaving; to my dad’s.

“I can’t deal with you anymore; your depression stuff is just too much; as soon as schools out you’re going to California for the summer.”

That was it then; just sending me off?

“Okay,” I said.

Her lips pursed, in annoyance no doubt. She left the doorway of my sister and mine’s room and I looked back down at my homework focusing on my essay prompt.

Okay. That’s all that ever came out of my mouth lately and I hated it; she did too if she was sending me off because of it.

I couldn’t help it though; it had been my first heartbreak after all.
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First chapter; short but a start.
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-Neche Narcissist