‹ Prequel: Indestructable
Status: Progressing!

Indestructabe Part 2: Realizing What I've Done

I'm Back Home

After several stops to rest, stretch our legs, and get food or gas we finally arrived in Huntington Beach, California. I looked into the rear view mirror and seen Meg's face brighten up.

"Mommy is that the ocean?" Meg asked.

"It sure is. I'll take you to the beach tomorrow."

"Cool!" she said clapping her little hands.

I pulled into the driveway of our new home and started to unload everything. I gave Meg small light boxes and she carried them into the house. We finished unloading everything and looked down at my phone. It was 6 pm and I knew Meg had to be hungry so I decided that we would go out to eat tonight. I gave Meg a bath and changed her into her favorite outfit. She wore jeans and an Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt. We walked out of the house and I looked it before I buckled her into the booster seat. I turned on the radio and Avenged Sevenfold came on. Meg loved them and she was rocking out in her seat to their song Bat Country. I was so excited for her to meet them and I hope I see Matt and the guys sometime. We arrived at the restaurant and I unbuckled Meg. We walked in and was seated in no time.
~~~~~~~~~MATT'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a long day in the studio, the guys and girls decided it would be nice to go out to eat tonight. We were seated in no time and we were waiting on our food. The food finally came and it smelled so fucking good. I took a bite out of my Chicken Alfredo and looked up at the door. A shocked expression crossed over my face.

"Matt, what are you looking at?" Val asked and I nodded towards the door. Everyone turned around and looked.

"Matt that's Ame!" Jimmy said smiling.

"I know. She has a kid now." I said smiling.

"We should go over and say hi or something." Zacky said.

"I got an idea." I said and called the waiter over. I told him to send a hot fudge sundae over to Ame's table and he nodded. We watched as the waiter took the sundae over to her table. The waiter pointed towards us and she looked over. We all smiled and waved and she did the same.
~~~~~~~~~~AME'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked over to see the guys and girls. I hadn't seen them in such a long time. Meg ate her sundae and we got up and walked over to their table. Jimmy jumped up and hugged me tightly.

"It's great to see you too Jimmy." I said laughing. He set me back on my feet and Meg hid behind me. Jimmy bent down.

"Who is this cute little girl?"

"This is my daughter Meg. Meg say hi to Jimmy." I said and she waved. Jimmy made a funny face at her and she laughed.

"How are you guys?" I said smiling.

"We are good but missed you something awful!" Val said getting up and hugging me.

"I've missed you guys too." I said pouting.

"Why don't you come to Matt's house tomorrow night? We are having a barbecue and it will give us a chance to catch up on some stuff." Brian said smiling.

"That's a great idea!" I said smiling back at Brian. He was still so handsome.

"Great! Be at our house at 7."

"I'll be there Val. I've got to get home and get Meg to bed. See you guys tomorrow." I said smiling. Meg waved goodbye to them and we walked out of the restaurant.

"I like them mommy. Jimmy is so awesome!" Meg said and I nodded.

"Yeah he his." I said and I put her into the booster and got into the car and headed back to the house.

I pulled into the driveway and cut the engine. I looked into the back and Meg was sound asleep. I got her out and took her straight into the house and up to her room. I turned on her nightlight and left the room. I opened my bedroom door and laid in bed. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep.
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please comment?

What do you think will happen at the barbecue?