‹ Prequel: Indestructable
Status: Progressing!

Indestructabe Part 2: Realizing What I've Done

Hiding Out

Brian drove us back over to his house and I sat in silence. I looked up to the sky and the rays shone down on my face. Why would he do something like that? I mean he never wanted anything to do with Meg so why should he break into my house and do shit like that for? Brian cut the engine and I got out with her things. I wiped my eyes and walked into the house to see her and Jimmy playing around on the floor. Meg had Jimmy pinned to the ground while Johnny counted. It was so cute. I smiled and set her things on the couch. She looked over to me and jumped up running into me.

"I missed you too baby. Did you, Jimmy, and Johnny have fun while I was gone?" I asked.

"Yeah! Jimmy was chasing me and I chased him and Johnny. We were having a good time."

"Sounds like it. Stay in here with Uncle Johnny and Jimmy while I go talk to Matt and Brian." I said kissing her head and she nodded. She ran back over to Jimmy and jumped on him. I shook my head and walked into the kichen.

"Where is this cabin of yours?" I asked Matt.

"On the outskirts of Vegas. Deep into the woods."

"My friend Andy is in Vegas with her mother. I would love to go see her. Are the girl's coming?" I asked.

"No but Jason and Matt Berry will be over since there is a recording studio in the basment."

"I havent seen them in forever. How are they?" I asked.

"Asking about you everyday. Everytime we come in they always ask 'Is Ame back?' It's kills us to tell them that you arent here." Matt hung his head and I hugged him.

"I'm here now Matt. I dont plan on leaving this time." I said smiling and he kissed my cheek.

"Good because I'll hunt you down next time." I laughed and shook my head.

"Now go upstairs and get whatever else you need for yourself and Meg."

"Alright." I said leaving the kitchen and going up the stairs. I first went into Meg's room and got some of her clothes and shoes and then into mine doing the same. I came back down and Meg was asleep on Jimmy's lap. I smiled and he smiled right back. I set mine and her things next to the couch and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and popped open a beer. I drunk half of it down and was satisfied.

"Since when do you drink Ame?" Matt said scaring me.

"Before I was pregnant with Meg. I used to drink but when I found out I was going to have a baby I quit. I needed one after seeing what Chase did to my house."

He came over and grabbed the beer from me and drank the rest.

"You havent touched a drop since then?" he said shocked.

"Not a drop until just now. I dont want her to get the idea that's it's alright to drink."

"You're an awesome parent." he said smiling.

"I do my best." He smiled again and threw the beer bottle into the trash. We walked out of the kitchen and he motioned to Jimmy that it was time to go. He got up never waking her. He put her into the car along with my stuff and hers and Matt drove all of us to Vegas. We got there a short time later and Meg was waking up. I took her from Jimmy and held her closely to me and she fell back to sleep. I smiled down at her as she slept so peacefully. If Chase comes after us, she'll know who her real father is. Matt pulled into a dirt path and I knew we had arrived to the cabin in the woods.

He drove for another 15 minutes before he pulled in front of a gorgeous 3 story cabin. Jimmy got out and I handed Meg to him and she woke up. She smiled up at him and he put her down on her feet. She walked beside me into the cabin. Brian led me to the room where Meg and I would be staying. I put her clothes away and we went to explore the outside. I stood propped up against the car watching her as she played in the dirt.

"She's a good little girl." Jimmy said.

"Thanks Jimmy. She's my whole world."

"Ame...I hate to bring this up but why exactly did you leave?" he asked hanging his head.

"Jimmy...I dont want to talk about it."

"Please tell me. You know you can tell me anything and I'll keep it to myself." he said. I took a deep breath in and sighed.

"Jimmy...I left because I thought a wasnt loved. I wanted to be with Brian so bad back then but he was out of my reach. I left so I could find someone like him and have a life of my own. That didnt work out too good."

"Ame...We were worried sick about you. We even tried to hunt you down but couldnt find you anywhere. Brian was a wreck when you left without saying goodbye." he said holding me close.

"I know he would be and I never ment to hurt him like I did. I had such strong feelings for him. I didnt know how he felt about me and I was afraid if I made a move, he would reject me."

"He would never reject you. 3 days before you left he told me that he was going to ask you out. He even asked Matt for permission and I was very surprised when Matt said he could. He really loves you Ame." he said honestly. I smiled and kisses Jimmy's cheek. I looked over at Ame and she was staring out into the woods. Jimmy and I walked up to her and stood beside her.

"What do you see baby?" I said and I looked into the direction she was looking. I seen a girl walking through towards us and I could see who she was.

"Jimmy take Meg inside and get Matt and Brian." I said and he nodded picking up Meg and taking her into the house. I heard Jimmy yell for Brian and Matt and seconds later they were beside me.

"What is it?" Brian asked.

"There's someone in the woods over there." I pointed and they looked. The woman got closer and I recognized her.

"Oh my God! Andy!" I said running towards her. I caught her in my arms as she fell to the ground. She was badly beaten and I knew who did this to her. Brian and Matt took her from me and I stood up.

"I KNOW YOU'RE THERE YOU ASSHOLE! YOU HURT ANDY AND IF YOU COME AROUND ME...I'LL KILL YOU!" I yelled and turned around and walked into the house with Matt and Brian. They sat her down on the couch as I grabbed Meg and took her into the kitchen.

"Mommy who did they bring in here?"

"Aunt Andy." I sai and she ran around me and kneeled down in front of Andy. Her eyes welled up in tears and overflowed and poured down her cheeks. I picked her up as Zacky wiped off her wounds. When he finished cleaning her up, I sat down in the recliner next to her. Meg was on my lap crying herself to sleep. I watched her groan as she slept. I laid my head back and fell to sleep instantly.
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I know it's short but its a filler.