Closer to Heaven than You

Open your Eyes like I Opened Mine, it's Only the Real World

So here we are at Warp Tour ’05. I stood outside our bus with Jimmy and Synyster Gates.

Jimmy complained,” Dude, I’m hungry can we go get some food?”

I replied,” They have food here.”

Synyster added, “Yeah but it’s hot out here.”

I rolled my eyes,” Go ahead and get something to eat then. I’m going to stay here for a bit longer.”
They shrugged and climbed onto the bus saying,” Suit yourself, man.”

I walked passed all the booths of radio stations and energy drinks; heading to check out some bands. Plus it gave me something to do other than sit in the bus and drink. I grabbed an energy drink and leaned up against a wall in the back stage of A Day to Remember. They were ending their show with the song if it means A Lot to You.

I noticed the girl who was singing with them had a really great voice. Considering I was only seeing her side I didn’t know if she was hot. To me, it looked like she had a great body. Finally she turned her head more and I got to see her face which strikes me as extreme beauty. Definitely fuckable.

She had black hair with some blonde in it. She had a Monroe piercing and tattoos. Her tattoos didn’t look trashy like some girls tattoos, hers accentuated her appearance.

After the song finished she waved and promised to be back in a twenty minutes. I turned back around just checking things out when someone ran right into me. I turned around to face the girl from the song. She bit her lip and apologized in a sweet voice,” Oh my god, wow. I am so sorry! I was totally not paying attention to where I was walking.”

She brushed her hair out of her face and I was instantly attracted to her dark green eyes. All I could mumble out was,” You look familiar.”

She shook her head,” I don’t think we’ve ever met before. I mean I know who you are but who doesn’t. You’re lead vocals for Avenged Sevenfold. Uhm, sorry, I’m Rae.”

She added,” I actually have to make sure my band is ready to set up here so I got to go. Sorry for bumping into you.”

I watched her jog off into the crowd and away from me. Those eyes of hers felt like they were piercing into my goddamn soul. I caught her look over at her shoulder at me with a mixed look. After that I decided to wait there so I can hear her sing more.

After thirty minutes of waiting and getting anxious she finally climbed back onto the stage. I could get over the fact that she looked so familiar. She began to sing.

“You look like I did
you resist me just like this

you can't tell me to heal
and, it hurts remembering
how it felt to shut down.”

She then looked at me and then I was suddenly hit with flashbacks.

“Honey, why don’t you go meet our new neighbors’ daughter!”

“Ew mom girls have cooties.”

In confusion I moved to the front of crowd carelessly. I wasn’t thinking about how dangerous this could be or anything, I just had to get a glimpse of her eyes again.

The longer I looked at her the more I was remembering.

The little girl next door wasn’t normal. She had little dark marks on her arms. But she was nice. We hung out constantly, even though I was nine and she was six. She always had reminded me that she was six and a half. It wasn’t just six.

Even when we started to get a little older and I had met Synyster she would always follow us around. Unlike other people I didn’t care. I wasn’t afraid to admit that she was my best friend. Matter of fact, that little girl was my first kiss. I chased her around the jungle gym until she said she would kiss me.

Her father weren’t too fond of anyone. Even her. I witnessed one of her beatings before while I was in her backyard. She would always come to me for comfort.

Her mother never came out of the house and she never mentioned her mom. So I wasn’t sure if she was alive or hurt just like my best friend was.

Then one day I mention to my parents about the beatings and no later than a week a strange black car was out front of her house. By this time I was twelve and she was nine. I heard a knock on my window and there she was with tears in her eyes. I let her in and she told me that some people were taking her away from her. So we came up with a plan that she would hide underneath my bed. When the stranger came to my door my parents made me tell them her hiding spot. She screamed for me to help her and not let them take her away. I didn’t know what I could do. When they put her in the car I followed the car for about a mile with my bike. Her tears streaked cheeks and depressed eyes with one bruise waved goodbye to me. My first true best friend was gone and I would never see her again.

She was the girl i had spent so much time worrying and trying not to forget. I've been wanting to see her for fucking years! I ran my lips over my lip piercing and breathed out,” Jacey Rae.”
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So yeah hope you all like it! Remember to Suscribe. I promise the story will get better! Just to let you know, I don't own avenged Sevendfold or Paramore. Most of Jacey's music will be from Paramore. SO I don't own either. All I own is Jacey!