Closer to Heaven than You

"Took over my sense and I lost control."

His house was nice on the outside and was a two story. It had a basketball hoop out-front. The landscape was pretty and I figured he must have hired someone to keep up with the upkeep.

We got out of the car and walked up the brick walkway. He opened the door and I walked into his house. The décor was surprisingly grand for a guy who had his friends over all the time. You would have pictures some sort of man cave but really it looked like one of those model houses. I arched my eyebrow,” Well I wasn’t expecting this.”

He chuckled,” What? You expected a dirty house huh?”

I breathed out,” There’s… no… man cave.”

He belted out a laugh as he opened the fridge and brought out leftover over pizza. I sat on the kitchen counter and watched him heat us up some pieces of pizza. He grabbed some paper plates and sent one flying through the air at me. I caught it and laughed at his ninja stance and crooked smile.

He walked over to me and placed his hands on my thighs and leaned in for a kiss when the doorbell rang. He groaned from being interrupted and dragged his feet towards the door.
He opened the door and I heard a woman’s voice,” I saw your car so I figured I’d stop by.”

A girl with short blonde hair appeared in the kitchen doorway followed by an annoyed Matt.
She sneered,” oh you have company.”

I tried to smile as I introduced myself but I couldn’t bring myself to,” I’m Jacey Rae.”

She stated, “Val.”

Matt added,” She’s our tour manager.”

She smiled,” Matt and I have been best friends since 6th grade.”

I topped her reply,” I’ve been best friends with him since he was nine.”

I saw Matt smirk and walk over to the microwave to get our pizza. She shrugged,” hmmm, he never mentioned you. Anyways so Matt, I hear that Jimmy has elected a girl to be singing in your new album. Who is she?”

Matt handed me my piece of pizza and replied,” You’re looking at her.”

She got quiet,” oh nice. We’ll I’ll let you two enjoy your pizza so call me later matt.”
Matt let her walk herself out of the house and he began to laugh. I shrugged while I took a bite of my pizza.

He stated, “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

I arched my eyebrow,” who said I was jealous?”

He rolled his eyes and laughed. After we got done with our late lunch he lead me into his music room and pulled out some lyrics. He handed them to me so I assumed he must have written them for their upcoming album.

He closed the door and locked it and began to sing this song he had handed me; acapella style. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and watched him perform. He then raised his eyebrow and began to walk towards me.

“You know I make you wanna scream. You know I make you wanna run from me baby. But know it's too late you've wasted all your time. Relax while you're closing your eyes to me. So warm as I'm setting you free, With your arms by your side there's no struggling. Pleasure's all mine this time.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So Val is finally introduced. I'm pretty sure the next chapter will have some sexual content in it. A little early? and I don't care. They've both showed that they have more than just tiny feelings for each other so they're ready. Comment and let me know what you think of the story so far. If you have any ideas? let me know! (: