Closer to Heaven than You

"And when we get home, I know we won't be home at all"

Usually you can see out of the recording room into the studio but we were sitting on the side so she couldn’t see Brian, Zacky, and I. I waited till she was super close to being done to go out to her car. I didn’t want to miss her singing. I could sit and listen to her sing for days, just being mesmerized by her angel like voice.

I stood a few cars away from her car and I finally spotted her walking out of the studio. She looked around and then frowned; I guess she was expecting me to not be hiding. She continued to walk to her car.

She was at her driver side door fumbling with her keys. I walked up behind her and turned her around with my hands on her hips. She gasped at the touch of my hands. She smiled and said,” Hi.”

I grinned back at her and replied,” Hey Ace.”

My hands were still on her hips as I was getting ready to lean in for a hot kiss. My thumbs had accidently push her pink shirt up exposing her tan toned stomach. I pushed her against her car and placed my lips onto hers. She opened her lips a little and I did too. I wasn’t expecting our make out to get that heated. I hadn’t realized I was so into it until I heard,” GET SOME MATT!”

We unlocked lips and looked over to see Zacky and Brian laughing and high fiving. Jacey laughed as Brian gave a thumbs up before walking back to his Escalade.

I shook my head and planted one more kiss on Jacey plump lips. I stated,” So are you up to go to my mom’s house?”

~Jacey Rae’s POV~

Matt popping up behind me freaked the shit out of me but the kiss afterwards was just… hot. But there went nobody knowing about us, because now Brian and Zacky both know, soon Johnny and Jimmy will too.

“So are you up to go to my mom’s house?” Matt asked.

I hadn’t been on the old street in years. I was afraid. Not of actually being on the street but running into my real family. I hadn’t got the courage to confront them. That is if my father hadn’t beaten my mom to death yet.

Matt would be with me so I wouldn’t have anything to fear, right?

I answered,” I would love to. I haven’t seen mamma Kimberly in freaking forever!”

He smiled. Gosh, I love that crooked smile. He pulled my hand towards his car,” Sweet! Let’s get out of here!”

Quickly I pressed the lock button on my remote as we sped walk to Matt’s silver car. He drove off towards our old houses. I found myself getting nervous. I wondered how much I remember and how much the neighborhood had changed. Was the tree Matt and I carved are names into, still there? What about the jungle gym?

When we got closer I began to have flash backs.

“Come on Ace! I’ll race you to our tree!”

“Fat chance Matt. You know I’ll win.”

“Whatever you say, Ace.”

We ran down the side walk passing the street sign that said Franklin RD. We laughed and pushed each other as we raced for the win. We passed my house and went flying for the grass in front of Matt’s house. We reached the grass at the same time and debated over who had really won.

We laid on the grass side by side talking about how Matt had met some new friends name Zack and Jim but they weren’t really into hanging out with me because I was a girl and younger than them. I told him that I could prove I could be cool enough to hang out with all of his friends. He laughed and said he believed me but they all came after hanging out with me.

I picked at the green grass looking at how brown my grass was. When I heard a loud voice,” Jacey Hudson, get your ass inside this motherfucking house!”

I looked from the grass to Matt who was now sitting up. My father stomped out of the house with an angry stare. He grabbed my arm violently and pulled me up from lying down. Matt yelled,” let her go. She didn’t do anything.”

My father ignored him and dragged me across the brown dead grass. My eyes drifted from Matt’s eyes to the ground with embarrassment. I was thrown into the doorway and the door slammed shut. I was now stuck with my father. I watched as he slid in belt off and began to whip me till I had welts on top of welts.

“Ouch!” That statement got me out of my trance. I forgot that Matt and I were holding hands.
During my flashback I must have been squeezing his hand for dear life.

He asked,” Are you alright?”

I eyed the Franklin RD sign and replied in a quiet voice,” Yeah. I’m fine.”
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So as you know, Jacey Rae's band is basically Paramore, just named Auburn. I do not own Paramore in any such way. So you got to see a little of young Matt and Jacey. Her dad's an Asshole. You may see her real family later in the story.