
1. What if I see Will, I'm scared?


It was a new year at Oliver J. Elementary school; Emmy Skye Rain was walking to her class. She was a fourth grader this year, her brother was just in eighth grade starting at the new middle school Wesley James Middle. As she walked to her classroom she couldn’t help but remember what her older sister told her earlier. . .

“Jayciee, what if I see Will. What do I do? I'm scared” She said sitting on her bed, watching her sister help pick out her outfit.

Her sister gave her a caring smile, and laid the outfit beside her sister. She sat beside the worried child, putting a her arm around her shoulder

“Em, just talk to him, say hi, or even smile. Ya never know, he just might like you back.”

William Jacob Lancaster II sat in his fifth grade class, honestly he wouldn’t mind being back in his bed right now. He signed as he leaned his head against the palm of his hand. He looked out the door to see a girl in the hallway. His eyes widened and his head snapped up. He stood up, almost falling over his backpack in the process, and ran out of the classroom. Right before she set her first foot in the classroom, he grabbed her by the shoulders, and pulled her back. She squeaked out a yelp, then she came face to face with Will.

“H-hi, I'm Will.” He said. He squinted his eyes, Why, am I acting this way. My stomach's turning, my heart's racing. She's just a girl. But she really pretty too. He asked these questions in his head.

The girl froze in her place. He nodded to himself. “Well, anyways, I was hoping that maybe we could sit with each other at lunch, or play with me at the playground. I've seen you around, and your pretty cool.” She nodded her head yes.. He smiled at her, and she gave a sweet, shy one back. He turned around, starting back to his classroom. Then he heard a soft voice.

“Will. . .” He turned around,

“I'm Emmy.”