Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter One

My name is Delilah Lane Winkler. No, I am not that Delilah you are thinking of from the song. I just turned 19 years old and I'm a sophomore at the University of Georgia. I'm getting my teaching degree in middle school education. I'm a full time student and also a cheerleader for the Dawgs. I've been cheering since I was in 8th grade. I'm Austin Winkler's little sister. I wasn't raised around him or my parents. They couldn't afford to take care of me so they sent me to live with my aunt and uncle. Despite Austin and I not growing up together and us being seven years apart, we're really close.

Anyway, school started on Monday. Practice started yesterday, which was Wednesday. It was brutal. We have to be ready for our first game, which is really soon. I'm nervous. I always get nervous before the first game. Austin and the boys will be here watching me. Which is awesome.

My roommate, Brooklyn, just came back to the room from running. She does that every single day.

"Li, are you coming out with me and the girls tonight?"

I shook my head, "I've got some studying to do."

"Well, okay, have fun," She said grabbing clothes to go take a shower.

I rolled my eyes, but laughed. Brooklyn was definitely my best friend. I got along with the other girls on the squad just fine, but Brooke, she was the only one I could honestly count on for anything. She knows about Austin and doesn't treat me any different because of it. Which is awesome.

We also share the love of the same bands, particularly Avenged Sevenfold. She has a crush on M. Shadows. I have this thing for The Rev and Synyster Gates. See, I find Syn attractive and talented, but The Rev mysterious and sexy, go figure. The other cheerleaders don't like them, but do you really think I give a shit?

Anyway, back to my studying. I have a test in English. Sometimes, I kind of wish I had chosen an easier career.
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