Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Seventeen

I’m currently sitting in my dorm room talking on the phone to Brian. He’s coming here tomorrow. I can’t wait to see him. I miss him.

“Austin is coming too, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, he is,” Brian replied.

“Okay, I was just wondering. I miss you.”

“I miss you too, babe.”

“I need to go…I’ve got class in the morning and then I’ll be at the airport to get you guys.”

“Okay, bye hun.”


I shut my phone and laid it next to me. Brook walked into the room.

“Did you just get off the phone with your lover boy?” She asked.

I laughed, “Yeah, I did.”

“I can’t wait to see Austin tomorrow.”

“Well, I can’t wait to see Brian…”

I laid back on my bed and put in my earphones to my I-Pod. I fell asleep listening to Tokio Hotel.

I was woken up the next morning by Brook shoving me off my bed.

“What the hell?” I asked.

“You have class in an hour.”

“Ugh, okay.” I slowly got up and then changed into a pair of blue jeans and HIM shirt. I did my hair and make-up then slipped some flip flops on. Its going to be a long day. I just can’t wait to be in Brian’s arms again.

Four painstakingly slow hours later, Brooklyn and I were standing in the airport waiting on the guys to get here. I had had a pretty shitty day to say the least. I flunked my math test, then I went to meet Brook at Starbucks and some lady pulled out if front of me. I almost hit her. Then I got hot coffee spilled all over me. Nice, huh? I had to go all the way back to the dorms to change and I still smell like coffee.

“Delilah, they’re here,” Brooke stated. I looked to where she was pointing and saw Brian’s fedora sticking up out of the crowd.

Brian walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. He picked me up and spun me around then kissed my lips.

“I missed you,” He whispered with his forehead resting on mine.

“I missed you too. You don’t even know,” I replied.

“You smell like French Vanilla coffee,” Brian said as we walked out of the airport.

“Some chick spilled coffee all over me at Starbucks….”

“Bad day?”

“Yeah, really bad dad, but its so much better now that you’re here.”

I kissed him on the cheek.

“That’s good. What happened earlier?”

“Well, I failed my math test….some lady pulled out in front of me and I came this close to hitting her,” I replied holding my index finger and thumb about an inch apart, “and you already know about the coffee incident.”

“Damn, baby, that is bad,” He said.

Brooke decided she was going to go with Austin wherever they were going and stay with him. Brian and I were going back to the dorms.

We put his stuff up when we got there and then I got a call from Jessica. She wanted me to come hang out with the girls, but I told her my boyfriend was visiting and she got all pissy about it. I rolled my eyes as I closed my phone.

“Who was that?” Brian asked.

“Jessica. She’s one of the girls on the team. She wanted me to hang out with her and some of the other girls, but I told her no because you were here and she got all mad.”

“Babe, if you wanted to hang out with your friends, then go ahead,” He said sitting back on my bed.

“I’d rather be here with you. You came all the way here to see ME. So of course I’m going to hang out with you. They aren’t really my friends anyway,” I replied sitting next to him.

Brian just laughed at me so I took his fedora and stuck it on my head.

“Damn, you look good with that hat on,” he said.

“Yeah, whatever. I probably looked stupid.”

“Nu-huh. You always look beautiful.”

I blushed at that.

“Wanna watch a movie?”

“Sure, as long as its not Pirates.”

“Fine,” I pouted. He just rolled his eyes and kissed me.

We ended up watching Pirates anyway……..he likes me to much to say no to the puppy look.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another one.
I'm on a roll.
Plus I'm going to Gatlinburg next week...and I probably won't be updating any because I'll be swimming and junk so yeah.
Oh and I just have to say,I am not a girlfriend hater....FICTION...
Just wanted to put that out there.