Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Eighteen

We were in the middle of watching Pirates when my phone rang. I went outside to answer it because it was Brooke.

“Yeah hun?” I asked.

“I told Austin.”

“Was he mad?”

“No…he was…sad….”


“Yeah, but we’ve decided no more sex until I’m on birth control.”

“Okay….didn’t need to know about that…”


“It’s okay. I’m going to go so I can get back to Brian.”

“Don’t do anything I would do.”

I laughed, “Okay, bye.”

I walked back into my room and Brian had turned the movie off. He was sitting on my bed with a bag in his hand.

“Brooke, what is all of this? Why do you need these?” He asked. Somehow, he’d found the bag of pregnancy tests. They were shoved under my bed, but I think when Brooke was looking for her shoe this morning she left them out.

He didn’t even let me answer.

“You’re cheating on me aren’t you? And you thought you were pregnant.” He said forcefully.

“Brian, those tests aren’t mine.”

“Whatever. Why were they under your bed?”

“That’s where Brooke threw them.”

He raised any eyebrow, “You honestly expect me to believe that?

“Yes, because I thought you trusted me! Did Michelle do this to you? Is that why you’re acting like a jerk?”

His eyes turned black, “Don’t bring her into this.”

I kept going, “You don’t trust me because of her? I’m Delilah, Brian. Not Michelle. We may live on opposite ends of the country but I’m not cheating on you.”

He just gave me that look of his and walked out of my dorm, letting it slam on his way out.

Not even a month of dating and we’re already fighting. Great….

Twenty minutes later, I tried calling him, but he didn’t answer. So I pulled on my shoes and a hoodie then went looking for him. I got down to the common area and he was sitting on one of the couches, sulking.

“Brian, will you please come back up to my room and talk to me?”

He didn’t say anything, but got up and followed me back to the dorm room.

He sat up against the headboard of my bed and I sat between his legs. He took my hands into his and kissed them.

“I’m sorry I’m such a dick,” He said, “The tests are Brooke’s aren’t they?”

“Yeah, she thought she was pregnant…thank god she isn’t.”

“Yeah, I know….”

“I trust you….more than I have with anyone in a long time. That scares me Delilah. Michelle literally ripped my heart and stomped on it.”

“She cheated on you, didn’t she?”

“Yeah, with an old boyfriend of hers…..I don’t understand what happened to her and Leana. They use to be so great….and then they both cheated..”

“Brian, I would never do that to you…”

“I know you wouldn’t. You’re to innocent to do that.”


It was quiet for a few minutes.

“Why didn’t you listen to my explanation though?”

“I don’t know. I was just being dumb…”

I leaned my head back on his chest and he kissed my neck.

“Are we going to have more issues about us be in different states?” I asked.

He shrugged and held me closer, “I hope not.”

“Me too.”

My phone vibrated against my leg and I had to fish it out of my pocket.

“This is what I get for wearing tight pants.”

“I like you in tight pants. It shows off your ass.”

I raised an eyebrow and smirked, “You’re such a perv.”

“I know.”

I opened my phone and I had a text from Cody. I had to tell him what Kelsey’s number was so that they could talk. Cody knew what she looked like because he saw her that night they were in town for the game. They would be cute together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Story comments anyone?
That would be really helpful.
Tell me what you like/dislike..
all that good stuff.