Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Two

Two weeks later, we're cheering at our first game. Brooklyn is standing next to me as we cheer our boys on. We're winning by thirty points and its the fourth quarter.

"And Georgia wins 30-5," The announcer screams.

Brook, Liza and I all high-fived each other before running to our dressing rooms.

"Tonight was amazing," Liza said. All of us agreed.

"Brookie, my brother and the guys are here. You wanna go meet them?" I asked.

She gave me a nervous glance.

"Brooke, they won't hurt you. Austin and Cody bite, but not hard."

She rolled her eyes. I slipped on my flip flops and motioned for her to follow me out of the dressing rooms.

We found the boys waiting on us at the top of the bleachers.

"Austin," I said. He turned around and brought me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hiya sister," He replied, "You did great out there."

"Yeah, that was awesome. All those hot chicks dancing around and everything," Cody said.

I smacked him on the back of the head, "You're a dumbass Cody, but I love you."

"I love you too, and who is this?" Cody asked. Mark, Austin, Joe and Mike turned their attention to Brooke.

"This is my best friend and roommate, Brooklyn," I said.

They smiled at her and then gave her hugs all at the same time. I rolled my eyes.

"Guys, please don't scare my bestie. I'd like to keep her."

"Oh she's fine," Mark said.

"More than fine," Joe replied giving her a smirk.

Brooke scoffed at that remark and glared.

"Hey, I meant no offense," Joe said.

"Whatever," Brooke replied.

"You guys wanna head to the dorm for a little while? Then we can go out on the town and celebrate," I said.

"Sure, let's go" Austin said.

As we got to our dorm, the dorm leader, Jessica, gave me an icy look.

"Delilah and Brooklyn, you know I don't like it when you bring guys back to the dorms," She said.

"Oh shut up. Its just my brother and his friends," I replied. She looked over at the boys and kind of smirked. Austin rolled his eyes.

We walked into our room and I closed the door.

"She's a bit of a bitch to only us. The rest of the girls on the floor don't deal with her shit like we do," Brooke said.

"So its only girls in this dorm?" Mike asked.

"Nope, the guys are on the top floor of this one," I replied, "And some of them are mixed up there too."

"Cool," Mike replied.

I just nodded, "I'm going to go take a shower. Brooke, are you coming?"

"Yeah, boys, behave," She said.

They just gave us a grin.

"Seriously, guys, I know that grin. Behave. We won't be gone long," I said leaving them in our room.

"Ya know what?" Brooke asked.


"That was probably a dumb idea."

I laughed, "I know."