Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Twenty

“So why didn’t you tell me Michelle was here?” I asked Brian as I put the dishes in the dishwasher.

“She showed up after Val got here. Something about wanting to see how everyone was doing…”

“So it was to hard for you to tell her to leave?”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, “Baby, if you want her to leave then by all means, tell her to get the fuck out of our house.”

I smiled, “Our house?”

“When you are here, I consider it ours.”

“How sweet. Now let go so I can go tell her to leave.”

He laughed, kissed me and then dropped his arms from my waist. They were all about to see a Southern chick get pissed.

I walked into the living room and saw that Michelle glared daggers at me right as I walked in.

“Why are you looking at me like that? I haven’t done shit to you,” I said to her.

She looked shocked that I called her out.

“I suggest you leave. I’ve already beat the shit out of Clarissa…I don’t want to get any blood on the nice new white carpet.”

“I..I’m not leaving,” She stuttered out, “Brian wants me here.”

I heard Brian snort from behind me.

“You cheated on me, why would I want you back in my house while my girlfriend is here?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Ugh, whatever. Rissa, you coming?” She asked.

Clarissa turned up her nose at me and left with Michelle.

“Damn, girl. I didn’t think they would ever leave,” Val said.

“I thought you would be mad at me,” I replied.

“Michelle may be my twin, but when she cheated on Brian, I lost a lot of respect for her…and she lost the best thing in her life. So its all her fault,” Val said.

A couple hours later and everyone had gone home. It was just Brian and I.

“Come here,” Brian said. He was sitting on the couch and I had just came back from the kitchen. I walked over and sat on his lap.

He started trailing light kisses over my neck. He stayed in one spot and I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning.

“Do you like that?”

I just nodded in response. He gripped my hips and turned me around so I was straddling him.

His lips suddenly attacked mine and my hands found their way into Brian’s hair. He picked me up and walked us up to his room. He laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. He slid his rough hands up my shirt and the way he was touching my skin sent shivers down my spine. He pulled my shirt up over my head and threw it somewhere in his room. I took a hold of his shirt and did the same thing. He was working on getting my pants undone when he got frustrated with them.

I laughed and undid them then slid them off.

“There, problem solved. You have to many clothes on though,” I pouted.

“We can fix that,” He declared as he took his jeans off. I bit my lip as I looked him.

I never realized how gorgeous my boyfriend really was……damn…..

I could feel him smirking as he trailed kisses down between my boobs. He slid his hands underneath me to unclasp my bra and then he threw it across the room.

Then his phone rang,

He sighed and looked at the caller id. It flashed Shads.

I bit my lip in frustration but also in relief. I’m not sure we are ready to take it to that level just yet.

“Lilah, I need to take this,” He said.

I nodded in response and watched him answer the phone before I got dressed. I walked to his bathroom so I could fix my hair. I rolled my eyes when I noticed there were at least six hickies on my body. Three were on my neck and the other three were scattered around my chest.

I walked back into his room and he had just gotten off the phone with Matt.

“Matt wanted to know if we wanted to go bowling with everyone.”

“Sure, oh and look what you did to my neck.” I pointed them out to him.

He laughed, “I’m sorry, but now you’re marked….”

I just rolled my eyes and started to get ready to go out bowling.