Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I had been home for about an hour when I heard someone come through the door.

“Austin,” My aunt Becky said. I walked into the living room and there stood Austin and Brooke.

“BROOKE!” I yelled and pulled her into a hug, minding her small bump.

“Awe, you’re so cute,” I said.

Austin and Brooke laughed at me.

“I won’t be in a couple of months,” Brooke said.

I saw Austin roll his eyes.

“You will still be beautiful,” He said and kissed her on the lips.

“Awe…” I trailed off.

“So what time are you leaving for camp?”

“Um, around six am on Monday. This is going to be utter hell.”

“I know it, you’ll live though…”

“But I miss Brian…” I whined.

“Oh hush, you’ll get to see him soon.”

“I know it.”

We sat around the rest of the night and talked. I wouldn’t admit it out loud, but I really missed Austin. He’s my big brother. No matter how much of an ass he is sometimes, I love him to death and I would do anything for him.

Camp week came way to early for my liking, but it went by fast. I hate camp. They put you through some really shitty stuff to make sure you’re in shape. It sucks, but I love what I do.

I’ve already breezed through the first week of school. I’m almost done with college. I have one more year left after this one, and I can’t wait. Kelsey and I moved into an apartment together. I think we’re going to be great friends. She’s really a pretty cool girl and she likes Cody a lot, so at least she hopefully won’t hurt my best guy friend.
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Filler. Sorry, I have writer's block,bad.....