Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Thirty-One

Months have passed since that weekend. I’m flying to Oklahoma because Brooke is having her baby. I got a call at one am from Austin saying that she went into labor. She’s earlier than expected. She was due on Valentine’s day. It’s January 31, 2010.

The flight sucked. That’s all I have to say. Brian is suppose to meet me at the hospital. I don’t know if he’ll show up or not. We’re in a fight right now. He’s become friendly with Michelle and I was pissed. Normally, I wouldn’t dare tell anyone who they could be friends with, but she’s an ex. An ex that cheated on him. Why would you want to be friends with that?

Anyway, I got off the plane and grabbed my one bag I had then went to find Cody and Kelsey.

“DELILAH!!” Kelsey yelled as I approached them.

“Gah, Kels, not so loud,” Cody said.

“Hey guys, how are Austin and Brooke?”

“Well, Austin is a nervous wreck and Brooke is still in labor,” Cody replied.

I just nodded, “Has Brian showed up yet? He told me he would be here.”

“I haven’t seen him,” Kelsey replied.

I sighed in frustration.

“What’s wrong hun?”

“We’re fighting. He’s been friendly with Michelle and its pissing me off.”

“Oh, well, maybe he’ll show up. Just calm down.”

I nodded and we dropped my stuff off at Austin’s before going to the hospital.

“Just follow us,” Cody said as we walked through the hospital and to Brooke’s room.

“Brookie,” I said as I walked in.

“Delilah! I’m so glad you made it,” Brooke said.

“Pshh, and miss the birth of my niece or nephew, I don’t think so. Hey Austin,” I said.
Austin hugged me. They had decided against finding out the sex of the baby. The suspense was killing me.

I sat around and talked to them for awhile.

“So do you have names now?”

“Mhmm, if it’s a boy then Colton Alexander and if it’s a girl, then her name will be Peyton Marie,” Austin replied.

“Awe, those are great names,” I replied.

Then one of the nurses came in to kick me out so they could check Brooke. I walked outside the room and there stood Brian.

I bit my lip and walked over to him, “Hey, I’m glad you’re here.”

“Yeah…..I only came because I knew Brooke and Austin would want me here.”

That pretty much broke my heart. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat.

“So we’re not okay?” I asked.

“Not yet,” He replied, “You can’t tell me who I can or can’t be friends with Delilah. It doesn’t work that way.”

“I don’t want to loose you to her.”

“You’re not going to loose me to her, I promise.”

I huffed and then saw that I could go back into Brooke’s room.

“I’m loosing him,” I said.

“To Michelle? I don’t think so hun. He’s so in love with you that its pathetic,” Brooke said.

“Then I wish he would show it,” I replied.

“Give him time,” She said and winced.


“Mhmm, they gave me an epidural, but I’m pretty close now, so they’re stronger. I still have two centimeters to go.”

“Austin, you’re being pretty quiet. What’s wrong big brother?”

“Nothing, I’m just nervous.”

“About being a dad?”


“You’ll be fine.”

“I hope so.”

Two hours later, Brooke was in labor. I held her right hand as Austin held her left. I swear, our hands were about broken and Brooke kept telling Austin he was never getting laid again. It was pretty entertaining.

And then we heard the baby cry.

“Congratulations, you have a beautiful baby girl,” The doctor said wrapping her in a pink blanket and handing her to Brooke.

I wiped tears of joy from her face and mine. Austin was standing in awe of his daughter.

“You want to hold her?” Brooke asked Austin. He slowly nodded and was handed the baby.

“Welcome to the world Peyton Marie,” He whispered.

I’ve never seen my brother as a father type, but he’s already proving that he could do it.

I walked out of the room to give them some time together. I made my way over to Brian and sat in his lap. He didn’t push me off like I thought he would.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Me too,” He replied.

“Do you forgive me?”

“Yeah, I forgive you.”

I smiled and kissed his lips.

“You should see her Brian. Peyton is beautiful.”

He smiled for the first time in awhile, “I bet she is.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I just have to say again,I am not a girlfriend hater.
I love Michelle to death.
She's this way in the story because that's the way I want her to be.
Its fiction,so please no hate comments.