Familiar Breath of My Old Lies

Chapter Thirty-Four

The next morning I woke up and took a shower. I looked like hell. My face was splotchy and my eyes were blood shot.

“Delilah, your plane leaves in four hours,” Brooke said.

I nodded. I was heading back to Georgia. All of the Avenged guys had try to call me, but I ignored them. They said Brian was a mess, but I didn’t believe them. He did it to himself. As for Michelle, if I ever see her skanky ass out in public….well, I’m sure you could guess what I’d like to do to her.

After my shower, I got dressed and then packed my stuff. They drove Kelsey and I to the airport where we said our good-byes and headed back to school.

“Delilah, are you going to be okay?” Kelsey asked as we walked into our apartment.

“Maybe, I don’t know.”

I walked to my room and fell asleep.

School was hell. I had someone take notes for me while I was gone. I didn’t care though. My niece came into the world and there was no way in hell I was going to miss it.

“So how is Brooke?” Jenny asked. She’s the co-captain of the cheerleading squad. I don’t know why she was asking. She hated Brooke.

“She’s great. Peyton is beautiful,” I replied smirking but then let it fall when she quit talking to me. All I’ve been doing is watching sappy movies and eating ice cream.

I hate him for doing this to me. More so I hate myself for letting it happen. I knew there was something going on with them.

The whole week was the same and I couldn’t take it anymore. Cody was here and Kelsey was all over him. It made me sick. So, I grabbed a bottle of Vodka out of the liquor cabinet and walked to the bathroom to get Kelsey’s pain pills. She didn’t need them anymore. I mean, she had gotten over the whole thing with her wisdom teeth.

Nobody wanted me anymore. So what’s the point…..my parents never wanted me. Austin and Brooke don’t want me. Which really isn’t true. Brian sure as hell didn’t want me. I was never good enough for him.

Fuck him.

Fuck them all.

I took a bunch of the pills and then downed the bottle of vodka. Before I knew it, my world turned black and I barely heard Kelsey and Cody screaming for me to wake up.